

Definitions: (1) free from guilt or sin <especially through lack of knowledge of evil>; blameless; faultless; (2) without guile or cunning; lacking sophistication; ingenuous Synonyms: clean-handed, immaculate, pure, simple, spotless, undefiled, virtuous Quotes:• Innocence is one of the most exciting things in the world. — Eartha Mae Kitt [born Eartha Mae Keith] (1927-2008) American singer … Read more


Definition: (1) formed, coordinated, or blended into a functioning or unified whole; united; (2) complete, intact, or pure <the integrity of a pristine soul>; (3) able to see how things or people fit together in the most harmonious way Quotes:• When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it is tied to … Read more


Definitions: (1) the quality of being of sound moral principle; uprightness of character; incorruptible; (2) honest and sincere in a professional, intellectual, or artistic endeavor; reputable; (3) integration of self; maintenance of identity; (4) holding steadfastly true to one’s identity-conferring commitments; scrupulously principled; (5) standing up for ones best judgment with proper respect for the … Read more


Definitions: (1) responsive to the views of others; (2) tender or compassionate toward the feelings of others; (3) endowed with sensation; perceptive through the senses Too Far: critical, temperamental, thin-skinned Quotes:• It is usually the imagination that is wounded first, rather than the heart; it being much more sensitive. — Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) American … Read more


Definitions: (1) being the same in actual character as in outward appearance; genuine; real; (2) simple and straightforward innocence; (3) truthful and honest; without deceit, pretense, or hypocrisy; (4) faithful Saying: Ex animo (Latin): “from the heart” Quotes:• Sincerity is the single virtue that binds divinity and man in one. — Senge Takatomi (1845-1918) Japanese … Read more


Definition: inclined to friendly communication; open to conversing; neighborly; agreeable to a free exchange of ideas Balancing Quality: Attentive.     Note: The best communicator is the person who is the best listener; one who is genuinely interested in the views and lives of others. Compatible Quality: humorous, gracious Familial Quality: companionable Too Far: garrulous, nosy Quote: … Read more


Definitions: (1) happening, done, or said at a suitable moment, especially in order to achieve a desired effect; opportune; (2) arriving at the appointed time; well-timed; (3) appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion; (4) a lifesaver Balancing Quality: Prepared Adage: Take the time to do it right, or you’ll find the time … Read more


Definition: characterized by energetic activity; vital; vigorous Balancing Qualities: Vibrancy is only as effective as the mastering of restraint. — Sara Genn (1972-) Canadian artist Quote: We get to choose how we’re going to live – what level of energy, what level of vibrancy, what level of excitement. — Brendon Burchard (1977-) Personal development author


Definitions: (1) zealous or ardent in loyalty or affection; faithful; (2) dedicated with great seriousness <as to a cause> (3) very faithful to a religious belief; worshipful; (4) sincere; earnest; fervent; heartfelt Synonyms: holy; reverent Too Far: fanatical Quotes:• Values can never be static; reality signifies change, growth. The greater the quality of cosmic adaptation, … Read more


Definitions: Definitions: (1) able to manage one’s own temperament; self-control; apatheia <mastery of the passions> (2) mental or emotional restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires especially in the face of self-described negative temptations; (3) able to curtail one’s own appetites <especially restraint in order to keep within (social or moral) bounds>; (4) … Read more