
Definition: calmly unconcerned; unexcitable; centered Derivation: French, “not concerned” Familial Quality: cool Quotes:• Nonchalant putts count the same as chalant putts. — Henry Nichols Beard (1945-) American humorist• Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes. — Walter “Walt” Whitman (1819–1892) American poet & essayist


Definitions: (1) having or showing superior moral qualities or ideals; (2) famous, illustrious, or renowned; having eminence, dignity, excellence, or fame; worthy; (3) grand; stately; splendid; magnificent; magnanimous; (4) possessing a courageous or gallant spirit Derivation: Latin, “to know” Synonyms: august, , aristocratic, exalted, generous, imperial, lofty, majestic, noble-minded Compatible Qualities: caring, integrity Quote:• Gratitude … Read more


Definition: carefree; untroubled; nonchalant Sayings:• Sans souci (French): “without worries”• “No worries, mate.” — Australian Proverb: That the birds of worry and care fly above your head, this you cannot change; but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent. — Chinese Quotes:• What, me worry? — Alfred E. Neuman (1954 -) … Read more


Definitions: (1) light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift; fleet; ; (2) sensitive; responsive <a nimble listener>; (3) clever conception, comprehension, or resourcefulness; flexanimous <nimble-minded>; legerity Quotes:• Educational systems have to be nimbler, have to be more adapted to today’s realities where students can go in different directions and professionalize … Read more


Definitions: (1) pleasing; agreeable; delightful; (2) amiably pleasant; kind; thoughtful; considerate; (3) requiring great accuracy, precision, skill, or delicacy <nice workmanship>; (4) refined as to manners, language, or character; (5) virtuous; respectable; decorous; (6) a generalized term of approval; having very wide appeal; good; excellent Synonyms: correct, dainty, exquisite, exact, fine Too Far: naive Saying: … Read more


Definitions: (1) having never existed before; unique; (2) pure; unspoiled; (3) rejuvenated; refreshed in spirits; healthy; (4) contemporary; recent; fashionable; (5) beginning again <making a new start> Synonyms: New applies to what is freshly made and unused, or has not been known or experienced before; fresh applies to what has not lost its qualities of … Read more


Definitions: (1) showing calm courage; (2) possessing the power of endurance or control; bold Too Far: presumptuous audacity Quotes:• The gifts of lovers to one another are, in respect to love, nothing but forms; yet, they testify to invisible love. — Jalāl al-Dīn MuḥammadRumi (1207–1273) Persian Sufi poet• Nerves and butterflies are fine – they’re … Read more


Definition: showing kindness or helpfulness; friendly; sociable Synonym: amicable People Who Exemplify This Quality: Fred McFeely Rogers [aka: Mister Rogers] (1928-2003) American educator & minister Quotes:• God did not come to me through a mystical experience, but through a human being, a neighbor, an agent of his love. — Rev. Elizabeth Kilbourn (1926-2006) Canadian educator• … Read more


Definitions: (1) essential, indispensable, or requisite; (2) logically unavoidable; inevitable Saying: What is ineluctable is necessary. Quotes:• Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body. — Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) Roman statesman• Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. — Saint … Read more


Definitions: (1) consistently clean and orderly; trim; tidy; (2) precise; systematic; (3) marked by skill or ingenuity; adroit; (4) fine; admirable <a neat idea>; (5) having a simple, pleasing appearance; shapely; well-proportioned; (6) cleverly or smartly phrased or done Too Far: compulsive Quotes:• To love rightly is to love what is orderly and beautiful in … Read more