

Definitions: (1) resolute endurance <especially with what is known to be correct>; (2) abiding; persevering; (3) continuing to exist; lasting; (4) daughty <brave and persistent> Balancing Qualities: Daring, Diversity, Fearless Quotes:• Keep on pluggin’. — John Preston Downs (1913-2005) American businessman & father• It just goes to show, if you are persistent, something gets done. … Read more


Definitions: (1) the will or ability to wait calmly; (2) to endure pain or trouble without complaint, losing control, or making a disturbance; (3) quietly tolerating delay, confusion, or inefficiency; (4) refusing to be provoked or angered by insult; forbearing; (5) ministering to the development of the uneducated or inexperienced; accommodating the needs of growing … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The Originator and Executor of the overall plan of creation <with the ability to effectively and efficiently move reality forward according to this plan>; (2) The preparer of structure <physical and administrative>; (3) The Designer of an interdependent system of organic cosmic order <integrating nature, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.>; (4) The … Read more


Definitions: (1) an orderly and methodical mind; (2) bringing a new whole into being by rearranging essential elements and interdependent parts; (3) brought together for a common objective; cooperative; establish or institute <an organization> for a common purpose; amalgamated; (4) a system of organic cosmic order <nature, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics> Quotes:• For every minute … Read more


Definitions: (1) exhibiting proper conduct, speech, or dress; respectable; (2) modest deportment; chaste; (3) generous; kind; fair Synonyms: becoming, befitting, decorous, seemly, suitable Quotes:• Not everyone is able to show courage, but human decency must be demanded of every person. — Andrzej Sebastian Duda (1972-) President of Poland• We may not all be equally guilty. … Read more


Definitions: (1) able to adjust to a new situation or environment <by changing one’s behavior or attitudes>; (2) made to fit <a new use>; (3) suitable for a specific situation; (4) to bring one thing into correspondence with another Synonyms:     Adaptable implies a personal modification according to changing circumstances; accommodate suggests yielding to effect a … Read more


Definitions: (1) done skillfully; aesthetically satisfying; (2) appreciative of art and beauty; sensitive to the arts People Who Exemplify This Quality: Henri Matisse (1869-1954) French artist Proverb: Ars longa, vita brevis (Latin): “Art is long, life is short.” Quotes:• Art is the demonstration that the ordinary is extraordinary. — Amedee Ozenfant (1866-1966) French Cubist painter• … Read more


Definitions: (1) held in reverence; (2) bringing comfort, joy, pleasure, or contentment; (3) enjoying great happiness; blissful Synonyms: cheerful, endowed, enriched, felicitated, gladdened, thankful Balancing Qualities: Humble, Responsible     Note: If you are blessed with the opportunity to serve because of your talents or the situation, seize the moment and choose to take up the responsibility. … Read more


Definitions: (1) full of good spirits; animated; full of life; joyful; (2) having a bright attitude; lightness of mind; (3) creating contagious merriment; (4) willing; hearty; (5) likely to dispel gloom or worry; (6) something that gladdens <words of cheer> Synonyms: bonny, buoyant, glad, happy, lively, pleasant, sprightly, sunny, riant <laughing, smiling, mirthful> Music: “Whistle While … Read more


Definitions: (1) exciting, and then holding, attention or curiosity; attractive; mesmerizing; (2) able to stimulate great desire to learn; thrilling; captivating; (3) able to arouse insight into new aspects; multifaceted; (4) showing acute enthusiasm; avid; (5) very eager or curious; agog Quotes:• Happiness goes like the wind, but what is interesting stays. — Georgia O’Keeffe … Read more