
Definitions: (1) held in reverence; respectable; honorable; (2) praiseworthy <an honest day’s work>; creditable; (3) commendable; seemly; (4) possessing integrity; truthful; trustworthy; unashamed; (5) showing fairness and sincerity; frank; (6) innocent     See also: Upright Balancing Quality: Decisiveness Too Far: insensitive, naive Quotes:• “Honesty” (absolutely indispensable in science) … is probably the least likely marvel ever to … Read more


Definition: having qualities associated with home; comfortably familiar; cozy; informal Compatible Quality: wholesome Idiom: Home is where the heart is. — Gaius Plinius Secundus [aka: Pliny the Elder] (AD 23/24 – AD 79) Roman author, naturalist, natural philosopher, naval & army commander Quotes:• The home is the chief school of human virtues. — William Ellery Channing (1780–1842) American … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing a noticeable spiritual purity, moral worth, or honorable aims; (2) evoking or meriting reverence or awe; (3) sanctity <the state of holiness or inviability> Too Far: sanctimonious Quotes:• Never lose a holy curiosity. — Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-American physicist• Reason, observation, and experience; the holy trinity of science. — Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899) American lawyer and … Read more


Definition: full of natural fire; vivacious; boldly courageous; noble; mettlesome     See also: Spirited & Public-Spirited Quote: The high-spirited man may indeed die, but he will not stoop to meanness. Fire, though it may be quenched, will not become cool. — Ovid [born: Publius Ovidius Naso] (43 BC-18 AD) Roman poet Observation: The human mind can attain … Read more


Definition: having or showing high ideals, principles, and feelings Quote: The attribute most noble of the hand is readiness in giving; of the head, bending before a teacher; of the mouth, honest speaking; of a victor, undaunted valor; of the inner heart, unsullied pureness; of the ears, delight in hearing and receiving truth. These are adornments … Read more


Definitions: (1) brave; bold; intrepid; noble; renowned; (2) characterizes individuals of godlike strength or courage; (3) exalted; eloquent; high-flown <as heroic words>; (4) daring and risky, but used as a last resort <heroic measures> Synonyms: fearless, gallant, valiant     Note: Words change. The word virago originally meant “a heroic woman” <think Joan of Arc>. Now it means “a bad-tempered woman.” Quotes:• The hero is the man of … Read more


Definition: (1) willing to, or actually rendering aid or assistance; giving useful service; ministering (2) aiding in the growth of an individual; fostering; (3) supportive toward an objective; sustaining; cooperative; (4) Elevating the mind toward beneficial ideas and ideals Compatible Quality: friendly Saying: If someone comes to you asking for help, do not say in … Read more


Definitions: (1) proceeding from the heart; sincere; warm; cordial; (2) full of vigorous good health; sound; strong; (3) giving unqualified support <a hearty endorsement>; unrestrained exuberance Quotes:• Make a man laugh a good hearty laugh, and you’ve paved the way for friendship. — Susan Gale, American teacher & author• The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions … Read more


Definitions: (1) the seat of tender emotion; (2) possessing a loving character; affectionate; (3) the capacity for kindness; benevolence; (4) exhibiting a generous disposition; compassionate <a leader with heart>; (5) courage; hardihood; (6) the inmost thoughts or feelings, consciousness, or conscience; (7) enthusiasm; energy; spirit; <a resolute heart>; (8) the vital or essential part; the real meaning; the core <the heart of the matter>    See also: Tenderhearted Compatible Qualities: full-hearted, a heart of gold, joyful, peaceful, … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing well-being and vigor of body, mind, or spirit; salutary; (2) being in a sound state; enjoying fitness; hale; robust; (3) conducive to life; wholesome; salubrious; (4) prosperous; flourishing Sayings:• My body is a temple. — The Bible, 1 Corinthians 6:19• A votre sante (French): “To your health” [used as a toast]. Affirmation: I … Read more