

One thing is certain. When it comes to protecting our children, there are no easy answers. Sure, we could do a better job of flagging those that are correctly or incorrectly perceived as a danger to themselves and others. Although the powers that be would likely do so with the kind of coercive labeling that … Read more

Celebrating Creation

“Gazing past the planets, looking for total view.”  With this lyric from the popular sixties album To Our Children’s Children’s Children, a Moody Blues tribute band opens a unique celebration of creation spirituality with the Jubilee Community  in downtown Asheville, North Carolina. It was on a warm night in late May last year, that Jubilee hosted … Read more

House Undivided

“Gazing past the planets, looking for total view.”  With this lyric from the popular sixties album To Our Children’s Children’s Children, a Moody Blues tribute band opens a unique celebration of creation spirituality with the Jubilee Community on Wall Street in downtown Asheville. It was earlier this year, on a warm night in late May, … Read more

Introducing Your Thesis Advisor

In November of 2008, the Lead Trustee for the soon to be established Aevia Charitable Trust (The ACT), gave a talk on the carryover from person to person, or from one generation to another, that permits us to stand on the shoulders of greatness. The talk included the following statement: “The scientific quest, the curiosity … Read more

Glorious Ascent

Vincent Ventola (1948-1991) painted his way to light and life! This video features many of his most inspired portrayals of new horizons along the journey to Paradise. The lyrics of Troy Bishop and music by various artists complement the imagery in the most thrilling, yet tranquil, way.

Freedom that Makes the Church Grow

“They prefer a life caged in their precepts, in their compromises, in their revolutionary plans or in their [disembodied] spirituality.” So said Pope Francis in his remarks following the readings last Friday, he focused on the day’s Gospel, drawn from that according to St Matthew (11:16-19). There, Jesus compares the generation of his time to … Read more

JFK and the Fourth Estate

The corporate media inundates us with poll results concerning the approval ratings of the first three Estates of the Realm. But what if a completely independent poll were conducted concerning the performance of the Fourth Estate, our illustrious press. I suspect that, if it were even possible to conduct such an “independent poll,” our press … Read more