Follow the Money

Full Transcript: Joe Manchin is not fooling anyone. There was no reason to wait for him to get specific about his objections to the Build Back Better initiatives because the motivations of his donor / owners have always been clear. We knew the truth would eventually come to light. 1 Big Finance doesn’t want dental, hearing, and … Read more

Facts, Meanings, and Values

You’ve heard the old story where three blind men come across an elephant. The first man happens upon its leg, and concludes it’s a tree. The second man bumps into its trunk, and concludes it’s a snake. The last blind man feels its tail, and concludes it’s a broom. Nowhere have I seen this scenario … Read more

Constructive Dissatisfaction

The Apostle Paul wrote “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” He went on to tell us “I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can … Read more

Whose Ox Gets Gored?

Full Transcript: The “Build Back Better” initiatives are designed to benefit We the People. Conversely, they the few would find it far more difficult to sustain the last gasp of an outmoded economy by which they have been steadily and unjustly enriched. Consider what it would mean to Exxon Mobile if charging stations for electric cars are more … Read more

Entertaining Our Angels

One of my all time favorite Far Side cartoons is the one where there’s a guy pushing a wheelbarrow full of rocks in a hell-fire and brimstone sweatshop. He’s in this whistle while you work mode as devilish figures are standing off to the side talking. The caption read something like: “You know, we’re really not getting … Read more

Defining Conservatism

Full Transcript: The full faith and credit of the United States is only held to be of value by those who are actually loyal to these United States. Foreign potentates, that want to retard our progress, don’t care about this country’s future viability. True conservatives know how to invest wisely while, to the penny-wise – … Read more

Entrepreneurial Spirit

Full Transcript: Ours is an entrepreneurial country. It has attracted a diverse complement of people, from around the world, some of whom possessed little more than a dream and some pocket change. They sought what matters most, that unique form of spiritual idealism that can move a great humanity from one level of attainment to … Read more

Sociopathic Jurisprudence

Full Transcript: Incentivizing innovation involves risk. Entrepreneurs typically set up corporations or limited liability companies to insure they are not personally liable for debts should the venture fail. In 2019, the failure rate for startups was about 90%. At that time research indicated that 21.5% of startups fail within the first year, 50% fail before … Read more

Evacuating Afghanistan

Full Transcript: In Doha, Qatar on February the 29th in 2020, the United States entered into an agreement with the Taliban. The four part “comprehensive peace agreement included the following two provisions concerning the security of the United States and its allies: [It] Guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that will prevent the use of the soil of … Read more

The Center of the Universe

Full Transcript: Whenever we are in need of a humility lesson we would do well to remember that, with one trifling exception, the entire universe is composed of others. When Galileo tried to make the case that, likewise, neither our planet or its sun is the center of the universe, he was forced, under the … Read more