Famine is more about politics than crop failure

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has done more than any cataclysmic weather event to starve Zimbabweans
A major new report from the Untied Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organisation says that the number of hungry and malnourished people in the world was increasing, even though there was sufficient food for everyone. The UN report said that though war, drought, Aids and trade barriers were particularly to blame for hunger, “bluntly stated, the problem is not so much a lack of food as a lack of political will.” While the UN is calling on rich countries to invest in greater food production and to dismantle barriers that prevent farmers in poor countries managing to export their surplus, attention also needs to be focused on what poor countries can do to help themselves. Zimbabwe must be a case in point. Inflation is running at 526 per cent and is predicted on current trends to reach 700 per cent next year. Unemployment has reached 70 per cent. The currency is valueless outside Zimbabwe and increasingly inside it as well. Even those with money find nothing to buy.
Zimbabwe, which has been led by Mr Mugabe since independence from Britain in 1980, is a basketcase. A tragedy. Mr Mugabe’s use-by date has well passed.
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