
Definitions: (1) keeping within reasonable bounds; temperate; sober; steady; avoiding excesses and extremes; (2) mild; calm; gentle; nonviolent; (3) to lessen the intensity or severity Too Far: Being austere for too long. Sayings:• Meden agan (Greek); Ne quid nimis (Latin): “Nothing in excess”• Be moderate in prosperity, prudent in adversity. — Periander (~635-585 BC) Ruler … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The personification of all true, beautiful, and good qualities; God; (2) The greatest of all excellent qualities; the source of all positive qualities; (3) Charitable; (4) Endowed with admirably balanced qualities; (5) God’s benevolent concern for His creation; (5) The absolute capacity to give and draw intense interest or affection Comments:• God … Read more


Definitions: (1) mental illumination; enlightenment; knowledge; (2) free from care; cheerful; happy; (3) extremely beautiful; ravishing; animate; bright; (4) nimble, buoyant, lively; (5) having a shining nature, character, or personality; (6) willing to show the way; (7) Emitting health; glowing; (8) Diffusion of mental knowledge; elucidating; (9) Emanating spiritual knowledge; enlightening Synonyms: delicate, easy, gentle, … Read more


Definitions: (1) disposed to be helpful and solicitous; gentle and considerate; good and tenderhearted; friendly; generous; (2) affectionate; loving; agreeable; (3) inclined to offer sympathetic relief; willing to give pleasure; (4) able to put up with abuse; clement; (5) not quick to lash out; forbearing Synonyms: affable, avuncular, courteous, fair, nice, polite Aphorism: Kindness is … Read more


Definitions: (1) having principles of rectitude, honesty, and righteousness; upright; proper; (2) equitable; impartial; fair; (3) the duty of a judge; discriminating, reliable, and reasonable Saying: Justice is fairness through time. Motto: Justitia omnibus (Latin): “Justice for all.” — District of Columbia Maxim: Let justice be done though the heavens fall. Quotes:• It is wise … Read more


Definitions: (1) closeness with warm friendship developed through long association; very familiar; linked (2) indicative of one’s deepest nature; intrinsic; essential; self-experiential; (3) worthy of entrusting with the closest confidence; communicative; sharing; (4) the essential part of; quintessential Quotes:• On a level of simple personal survival, understanding and forgiveness are crucial… whether in an intimate … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The ultimate authority; unchallengeable; (2) Worthy of being believed; reliable; (3) Adept; unable to make a mistake; unfailing; (4) Always accurate; never in error; (5) Dependable; incapable of deception Idiom: (Latin) Ne plus ultra: ultimate perfection Comment: God’s infallibility is a direct result of a perfect combination of omniscience and absolute wisdom. … Read more


Definitions: (1) filled with the spirit; (2) to stimulate to service; (3) having an animating effect upon; impelling; (4) inducing or influencing another to some creative or effective effort; (5) persuading by positive means to be good, recognize beauty, and know truth; (4) afflatus <a creative impulse> Derivation: Latin, “to breathe in” Quotes:• The good … Read more


Definitions: (1) a positive concept of oneself; (2) a realistic understanding of one’s capacity Observation: It is ironic how often those with a poor self-image usually have a sensitive perception of the values of others: “I’m no good but look at how wonderful so-and-so is.”     Subjective reality is folded in such a way that the … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Unconditional kindness; unselfishly generous; charitable beyond bounty; beneficent; (2) Gracious and attractive; virtuous; (3) Blameless; unimpeachable; (4) Praiseworthy; desirable; (5) Deserving of respect; honorable; (6) A euphemism for God Quote: Do good without thought of benefit to the self. Goodness begets goodness, but to the one who is truly good, evil also … Read more