
Definitions: (1) exhibiting notable excellence or even magnificence; splendid; (2) relating to or suitable for royalty Quotes:• Purple puts us in touch with the part of ourselves that is regal. Purple is the queen in all women; it helps us keep our backs straight and heads held high. — Byllye Yvonne Avery (1937-) American activist• … Read more


Definition: vigorous; high-spirited; strong-willed Quotes:• What is the most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine. — Susan Lee Sontag [born Susan Rosenblatt] (1933–2004) American essayist & critic• Give up the belief that mind is, even temporarily, compressed within the skull, and you will quickly … Read more


Definitions: (1) having cultivation or elegance; free from vulgarity or coarseness <said of manners, speech, or character>; (2) possessing more than ordinary subtlety, exactness, or precision; (3) often meticulous; (4) approaching perfection; superfine Quotes:• Synchronicity is basically coincidences with a meaning. Synchronicity is in our lives to help us get in touch with our loved … Read more


Definition: having the power to regain health or strength; promoting recovery; revalescent <recovering strength     See also: Restorative Quote: Is any living man so unreasonable that if he found himself stricken with a dangerous ailment, he would not anxiously desire to regain the blessing of health? — Francesco Petrarca [aka Petrarch (1304–1374) Italian scholar & poet … Read more


Definitions: (1) refreshed or restored; regaining energy or spirit; (2) inspired or invigorated; renewed; revitalized     See also: Restful Quotes:• It is not possible to educate the will and the healthy soul that underlies it unless we develop insights that awaken energetic impulses in the soul and will. — Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (1861-1925) Austrian esotericist• … Read more


Definitions: (1) rightness of principle or practice; an upright character; conduct according to honest principles; righteousness; moral charm; (2) correct method or judgment Derivation: Latin, “straight” Synonyms: honesty, integrity, justice Quote: O may I join the choir invisible of those immortal dead who live again in minds made better by their presence; live in pulses … Read more


Definitions: (1) enjoying sound judgment or thought; (2) possessing good common sense; (3) moderate; fair; (4) just; rational; (5) logical; ratiocinative <forming judgments by a process of logic & reason> Quotes:• Do not put faith in traditions, even though they have been accepted for long generations and in many countries. Do not believe a thing … Read more


Definitions: (1) able or quick to receive knowledge, ideas, or persons; (2) willing or inclined to receive suggestions or offers; (3) capable of accepting fortune (good or ill) in stride; (4) disposed to accept praise with humility Poem:Sometimes up … Other times downBig smiles … WaterfallsMake the best of it … As no one knowsIt’s … Read more


Definitions: (1) organized or equipped to act instantaneously or spontaneously; (2) having the right combination of qualities to take on a responsibility without delay; (3) prepared in mind; unhesitant; willing; (4) clever and skillful mentally or physically; dexterous; (5) done or made without delay; prompt; (6) convenient or handy for use; immediately available Synonyms: apt, … Read more


Definitions: (1) tending to face facts; concerned with or based on what is actual or practical rather than visionary; (2) existential Idioms:• The real deal.• The real McCoy. Quotes:• Just because something is a metaphor doesn’t mean it can’t be real. — Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) Reaper Man• Reality is that which, when you stop believing … Read more