

Definitions: (1) possessing the power of seeing beforehand; prescience; (2) having thoughtful regard or provision for the future; prudent forethought; (3) exhibiting the ability to project to oneself and others the consequences of actions to be taken (and proceeding if possible and curtailing if unwise) Quote: Lacking foresight, evolution is simply opportunistic, retaining those features … Read more


Definition: self-controlled when subject to annoyance or provocation; patient; long-suffering Familial Qualities: determined, stick-to-itive Quotes:• The two powers which constitute a wise man are those of bearing and forbearing. — Epictetus (50-135) Greek Stoic philosopher• Forbearance is the root of quietness and assurance forever. — Tokugawa Ieyasu [born Matsudaira Takechiyo] (1543–1616) Founder of the Tokugawa … Read more


Definition: being of the very best quality; exceptionally good; first-class; tip-top; of great worth; superior; admirable; crackerjack Derivation: Latin, “out, beyond, lofty” Synonyms: choice, par excellence, prime, sterling, transcendent Quotes:• Persistence is the twin sister of excellence. One is a matter of quality; the other, a matter of time. — Habeeb Akande (~1990’s-) British-Nigerian writer• … Read more


Definition: irresistibly attractive; bewitching; fascinating Synonyms: captivating, enrapturing, entrancing, ravishing Compatible Quality: trusting Poetry:‘Tis distance lends enchantment to the view,and robes the mountain in its azure hue.— Thomas Campbell (1763–1854) Irish minister, religious reformer on the American frontier Quotes:• The enchanting charms of this sublime science reveal only to those who have the courage to … Read more


Definitions: (1) grace and dignified in fine design, manner, or style; luxurious in a restrained, tasteful way; first-rate; (2) characterized by a sense of propriety and refinement; fastidious; (3) excellent; savoir-vivre <ability to live elegantly> Compatible Quality: Arbiter Elegantiarum (Latin): “judge of elegance” Quotes:• What is elegance? Soap and water! — Sir Cecil Walter Hardy … Read more


Definitions: (1) preparation of the mental, moral, and physical powers by instruction, self-management, and exercise; (2) the result of training; self-control; orderly conduct Synonyms:  ascetic, self-correcting, self-educated, self-regulating Compatible Qualities: commitment, striving Quotes:• Seek freedom and become captive to your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. — Frank Patrick Herbert Jr. (1920-1986) Chapterhouse Dune … Read more


Definitions: (1) of high repute; worthy of honor; esteemed; noble; (2) loftiness of appearance or manner; stately; (3) calm self-possession and self-respect Quotes:• We are nothing if we walk alone; we are everything when we walk together in step with other dignified feet. — Rafael Sebastián Guillén Vicente (1957-) Mexican soldier• Maturity is the ability … Read more


Definitions: (1) yielding to influence; tractable; (2) capable of responding or conforming to changing or new situations; (3) adaptable physically, emotionally, or mentally Synonyms: pliable, pliant, supple Too Far: wishy-washy Quotes:• Most moral codes say “either-or” . . . while the universe itself seems to be filled instead with a whole lot of “maybes.” — … Read more


Definitions: (1) worthy of great respect; highly regarded; estimable; (2) motivated by principles of decency with a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation Synonyms: dignity, nobility, renown, upright Quotes:• What is honored in a country is cultivated there. — Plato (428-348 bc) Greek philosopher     Note also: What is honored in the self is also … Read more


Definitions: (1) using or showing vision, creativity, or productive talent; (2) able to conceptualize or feel a situation other than that within one’s personal experience Synonyms: ideal, inventive, original, poetical, romantic Too Far: Imagination taken to an animated level becomes fantasy. Fantasy taken too far makes for an unreal inner world. Balance your fantasy with … Read more