
Definitions: (1) constant, firm, persevering, or determined; tenacious; (2) resolutely supportive; faithful, loyal Quotes:• He always stands by his decisions: what is right is right, even if it hurts or later turns out to be wrong. — Nina George (1973-) The Little Paris Bookshop {2013}• The rewards of tomorrow are safely hidden in the belief … Read more


Definition: characterizes one who encourages others to growth; rousing to greater activity; (2) exciting the senses or emotions; stirring Compatible Quality: inspiration     Note: You are inspired to begin or continue with enthusiasm if you are stimulated by some force, outside or inside, that is powerfully valuable to you. Quotes:• A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates … Read more


Definition: firm, constant, or resolute in mind, purpose, pursuit, or principle; controlled and stable Compatible Quality: dependable Adage: Slow and steady wins the race. — Aesop (c 620–564 BC) Greek fabulist     Note: To win the race one also needs to be clear-eyed, prepared, and systematic.


Definition: conforming to excellent quality, value, or standard < a sterling reputation>; genuine purity Quote: Propriety is a rigid master, but one that must be obeyed if one wants to keep a sterling reputation. — Lawana Blackwell (1952-) American author


Definitions: (1) like a star; brilliant; (2) outstanding; a superstar Motto: Through difficulties to the stars. — British Royal Air Force Quote: When one has been touched by the stellar power and ethereal playing of a sublime musician, one is lifted, if only briefly, to a place beyond the realm of the temporal. — Paul … Read more


Definition: holding tightly to a principle; steady and steadfast; constant and consistent Compatible Qualities: good listener, open-minded Familial Qualities: faithful, loyal Quote: My mum raised me in a home without mirrors. She’s a staunch feminist and wanted us to know that what we look like is the least interesting thing about us. — Claudia Anna … Read more


Definitions: (1) well established; (2) firmly fixed in faith; dedicated; (3) devotion to duty; resolute; (4) not fickle or wavering; loyal Derivation: Old English, “to stand fast (stable)” Too Far: stubborn Quote: There is only one reason that you ever fail at anything, and that is because you eventually change your mind. — Victor Lemonte … Read more


Definitions: (1) majestic in mien or manner; lofty, (2) dignified elegance Synonyms: elevated, grand, imposing, lordly, magnificent, proud Quote: Redwood time moves at a more stately pace than human time. To us, when we look at a redwood tree, it seems to be motionless and still, and yet redwoods are constantly in motion, moving upward … Read more


Definitions: (1) well-proportioned beauty; stately; (2) showing poise and dignity; graceful Quote: Life comes before literature, as the material always comes before the work. The hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues. — Phillips Brooks (1835–1893) American clergyman & author    Note: There are three statues of Rev. Brooks in Boston – one … Read more


Definitions: (1) not easily moved or thrown off balance; not likely to break down, fall apart, or give way; steady; fixed; (2) firm in character, purpose, or resolution; steadfast; stalwart; (3) enduring or possibly permanent; long lasting; firm; solid; (4) capable of returning to equilibrium or original position after having been displaced; flexible; (5) full … Read more