
Definitions: (1) able to move in any direction; unhindered; (2) able to choose for oneself; not restricted by anything except one’s own limitations or nature; unencumbered; unhampered; (3) spontaneous; (4) not constrained or stilted; unimpeded; smooth, easy, and graceful; (5) possessing a generous spirit; liberal or lavish with goods or time; (6) frank; straightforward; uninhibited; (7) open to … Read more


Definitions: (1) relating to or involving brothers; (2) refers <in a generic sense> to the familial connection between all people, male and female; friendly; (3) characterizes one who gives special attention or favor to individuals because they are family or are as close as family. Compatible Qualities: sororal <sisterly>; pilina <strong personal connections> Hawaiian Quote: Time is the most valuable … Read more


Definition: free in expressing what one thinks or feels; candid; free from reserve, disguise, or guile; open; ingenuous; clearly evident; plain Derivation: Middle Latin, “free,” “at liberty” Synonyms: honest, open-faced, sincere, up front Balancing Qualities: Articulate, Compassionate Too Far: brusque, piercing, tactless Quotes:• You must study to be frank with the world: Frankness is the child of honesty and courage. … Read more


Definitions: (1) morally, spiritually, or socially attractive; (2) having a pleasing scent; sweet-smelling Synonyms: aromatic, balmy, perfumy, spicy Quotes:• The scent of jasmine travels only with the wind, but the fragrance of holiness travels even against the wind. — The Dhammapada (4:11) {5th Century}• Everyone can identify with a fragrant garden, with beauty of sunset, … Read more


Definitions: (1) slyly clever or cunning; crafty; sharp; vulpine; (2) physically attractive <especially in an alluring way> Balancing Qualities: Trustworthy, Sincere Quote: No critic and advocate of immutability has ever once managed properly or even marginally to outwit the English language’s capacity for foxy and relentlessly slippery flexibility. For English changes constantly; it grows with an almost exponential … Read more


Definitions: (1) frank; forthright; direct; (2) firm; solid; unhesitating; holding a bold conviction Balancing Quality: Lighthearted Quote: It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. — Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) 32nd President of the United States Observation: The saying goes, “You cannot … Read more


Definitions: (1) mentally advanced; precocious; (2) progressing onward; (3) prompt; ready; eager; (4) bold; pert Too Far: pushy Quotes:• March on. Do not tarry. To go forward is to move toward perfection. March on, and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on life’s path. — Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese-American Artist and poet• Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for … Read more


Definition: receiving, bringing, or coming to you by circumstances or good luck; auspicious Synonyms: favorable, fortuitous, prosperous, successful Quotes:• If I am more fortunate than others, I need to build a longer table not a taller fence. — Tamlyn Naomi Tomita (1966-) American actress• The way of fortune is like the milky way in the sky; which … Read more


Definitions: (1) strength of mind in the face of pain, adversity, or peril; (2) patient courage plus magnanimity     See also: Courageous Derivation: Latin, “strong,” “powerful” Quotes:• Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues. — John Locke (1632-1704) English philosopher• Intense striving for the attainment of supermortal ideals is always characterized by increasing patience, forbearance, fortitude, and tolerance. (100:6.4) … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing physical strength, courage, or endurance; invigorated; (2) one with staunch mental or moral strength; undaunted Familial Quality: mettlesome Quotes:• Only the consciousness of a purpose that is mightier than any man and worthy of all men can fortify and inspirit and compose the souls of men. — Walter Lippmann (1889–1974) American writer & reporter• Knowledge can … Read more