
Definitions: (1) the act or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self; (2) friendly; uninhibited; gregarious; exuberant Derivation: Latin, “to turn beyond” Balancing Qualities: courteous, sensitive Quotes:• Extroverts sparkle, introverts glow. Extroverts are fireworks, introverts are a fire in the hearth. — Sophia Dembling (~1950’s-) The Introvert’s Way {2112}• There is … Read more


Definition: going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary; preternatural Derivation: It is interesting that this word is made by combining two words that by themselves would not be considered anything special: extra and ordinary. Put them together, add a personality, and you do get someone truly marvelous. Quotes:• A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, … Read more


Definitions: (1) composed, performed, or uttered offhand; impromptu; without previous study or preparation; unpremeditated; (2) adept at speaking with clarity without forethought; (3) made expressly for the occasion; improvised Derivation: Latin, “at the moment,” “outside of time” Quotes: • I love improvisation. You can’t blame it on the writers. You can’t blame it on direction. You can’t blame it on the … Read more


Definitions: (1) carefully done or elaborately made; unique excellence of execution; (2) very lovely; extraordinarily fine; delicately beautiful; appealingly distinctive; (3) of the highest quality; admirable; perfected; (4) highly sensitive; keenly discriminating; fastidious Synonyms: accomplished, choice, consummate, dainty, matchless, refined Quotes:• Science shows us truth and beauty and fills each day with a fresh wonder of the exquisite order which governs our world. … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing the ability to keenly represent one’s inner thoughts or feelings in words or manners; well tuned; (2) full of knowing; significant; meaningful <an expressive nod> Familial Qualities:  artistic, communicative, entertaining Quotes:• Expression is the antitheses of depression. — Robert Bellows (1948-) American artist• Anything that’s made by humans is about humans, whether it’s about gods or aliens or … Read more


Definitions: (1) to look into closely; meticulous search; strict or careful examination; (2) willing to travel for purposes of discovery into regions previously unknown or little known Familial Qualities: adventuresome, curious Consequential Qualities: experienced, knowledgeable Quotes:• As every parent knows, children begin life as uninhibited, unabashed explorers of the unknown. From the time we can walk and talk, we want … Read more


Definition: (1) trained and knowledgeable in some field; very skilled; (2) able to preform more than one thing at a time; multitasking Synonyms: able, adept, adroit, clever, dexterous, proficient, versed, pundit: (Sanskrit, “learned, skilled”) Quote: Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience. — Denis E. … Read more


Definition: skill or wisdom gained primarily through participation in an activity (especially if it is oft repeated); also gained to a lesser extent by observation Sayings:• Experto credite (Latin): “Believe one who has had experience.”• There is nothing that can substitute for experience.Experience can be obtained if you …     ◦ Care more than others think … Read more


Definition: skill or wisdom gained primarily through participation in an activity (especially if it is oft repeated); also gained to a lesser extent by observation Sayings:• Experto credite (Latin): “Believe one who has had experience.”• There is nothing that can substitute for experience.Experience can be attained if you …     ◦ Care more than others think … Read more


Definition: done with prompt efficiency; speedy; quick Derivation: Latin, “ready for action” Balancing Quality: Inventive Quotes:• You can’t gather much if you won’t go on a risky expedition. Leaders never fear the thorns; they’ll still go in for the beautiful roses no matter the number of pricks they’ll get. ― Israelmore Ayivor (1989-) Inspirational speaker• Have confidence in … Read more