

Definitions: (1) possessing good judgment or common sense; containing reasonable intelligence; wise; (2) capable of being perceived by the senses; capable of exciting physical sensation; (3) having appreciation or understanding; cognizant; emotionally or intellectually conscious; aware (4) no-nonsense <practical and serious, interested in doing what is necessary>

Quote: A match may start a fire, but once the fire is burning, putting out the match won’t stop it. The problem is no longer the match. It’s the fire. — Michael Crichton (1942-2008) The Terminal Man {1972}

In order for us to allow a new thought to penetrate our minds it must make sense. In other words, it has to pass through our filter systems.
     See also: Believable, Conscious, Objectivity

Everyone has six basic filters.
1. Learning – solidified by study and reaffirmation
     a) Childhood instruction
     b) Tradition, Custom
     c) Group affiliation, e.g., school, church, patriotism, team, hero worship
2. Logic – may be personal or social
3. Experience – different for everyone
4. Belief – primarily structured religious belief, but also takes other forms
5. Faith – knows the truth when it is encountered. There are often contradictions with the other filters but the truth still registers.
6. Habit – A combination of all filters solidified by action.

There is a second set of filters. They are physical, mental, or emotional inhibitors.
1. Intelligence – a lack of the ability to understand.
2. Ignorance – a lack of information.
3. Maturity – a lack of experience
4. Chemical Balance – diet, drugs, pollution
5. Language – The information may be available but in a language you do not understand.
6. Distance – The information may be available but too far away from you to be obtained.
7. Health – a permanent or temporary condition can inhibit assimilation.

There is a third set of personal filters. An individual may or may not have them.
1. Prejudice – racial, sexual, political, etc.
2. Close-mindedness – the choice not to know.
3. Prerequisites – Examples:
     a) The woman who knew she could be healed but said to herself, “Jesus must touch me first.”
     b) “I’ll be happy when … I finish school; get that job; have a child; the kids leave the house; I finish school; I’m out from under Mom and Dad; I lose 20 lbs., etc.
4. State of mind – Example: a person filled with anger will not listen.
5. Predetermined judgments – The idea has already been examined and decided upon. There is no reason to revisit it.

Observation: After an idea has passed (often automatically) through one, all, or a combination of these filters, it may then be subject to further scrutiny. Ideas must match our current version of reality.
     We all make decisions based upon our logic, maturity, prejudices, etc. We all take action based on our decisions. The actions we take reveal to others (and to ourselves) the subjective reality we hold to be true. We objectify our personal reality bubble by being open to reality other than our own. We expand our consciousness by making decisions and acting on them.

Suggestion: Note your reaction to the things you see or read. These reactions are an indication of your sensibilities to certain qualities.
     Screenwriters will generate an unrealistic situation to produce a dramatic tension representing a misunderstanding or a lack of communication. You recognize and identify a more appropriate way. You will find yourself saying, “If they’d only talk to each other.” or “If they had only been honest, then this would never have happened.”