

Definitions: (1) something or someone pleasing or gratifying to the mind <sweet words of affection>; (2) mild, gentle, meek, or kind; soft or delicate; pure and clean; (3) obliging civility; courteous; amiable manners or behavior; gracious; an affable disposition; good-humored; reasonable; (4) pleasant to the sense of taste; harmonious to the ear; attractive to the eye; aromatic to the sense of smell; comfortable, soft, or cozy to the tactile sense; (5) indicative of a beloved friend, child, or lover
    See also: Suave

Idiom: Sweetness and Light [The harmonious association of Beauty and Intelligence]

Quote: If there were no night, we would not appreciate the day, nor could we see the stars and the vastness of the heavens. We must partake of the bitter with the sweet. There is a divine purpose in the adversities we encounter every day. They prepare, they purge, they purify, and thus they bless. — James Esdras Faust (1920–2007) American religious leader (LDS) & lawyer

Symbols: 1) honey; 2) sugar; 3) nectar; 4) daphne flowers