
Renzo Piano’s Dream of a Tiny House

The aluminum-clad wood house is 8.2 feet wide by 9.8 feet long by 11.5 feet high. It features two rainwater tanks attached to a boiler, a composting toilet, triple-glazed windows and insulated walls that can withstand temperatures from minus 10 degrees to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Electricity comes from three rechargeable batteries that plug into an … Read more

Companies With Some Products Containing No GMOs

Here is a list of companies who make many or even the majority of all their products without GMOs. This list is provided courtesy of the Non-GMO Project. 365 479 Degrees A. Vogel Adams Vegetable Oils Agrana Agricor Inc. Ah!Laska Alexia Alter Ego Alverado Street Bakery Amande Amelia Among Friend’s Amy’s Kitchen Andalou Naturals Angie’s … Read more

Vegan? Watch Your Protein Levels.

If you are a vegan or vegetarian with a secret stash of candy, jelly beans or dark chocolate, join the club. A constant craving for carbs with occasional headaches, muscle or joint pain may be due to a slight deficiency of protein. The symptoms of a severe protein deficiency include: Edema (swelling) Thinning brittle hair … Read more

Representative of What?

Want to know why GMO foods are not labeled as such? The following “Representatives” have voted against legislation that would require truth in labeling. Well, we each have a vote too. Alexander (R-TN), Ayotte (R-NH), Baldwin (D-WI), Barrasso (R-WY), Baucus (D-MT), Blunt (R-MO), Boozman (R-AR), Brown (D-OH), Burr (R-NC), Carper (D-DE), Casey (D-PA), Chambliss (R-GA), … Read more

The Politics of Tiny Houses

As much as he enjoys talking about design, what Jay Scaafer really wanted to talk about in this interview was the politics of tiny houses. Why building and zoning codes are stacked against tiny houses, how the costs of purchase and upkeep compare to the big houses he calls “debtors’ prisons”, and why, when the … Read more

9 Year Old Lectures McDonalds CEO

“Mr. Thompson, don’t you want kids to be healthy so they can live a long and healthy life?” This is how CEO Don Thompson was seriously grilled by a 9-year-old girl at Thursday’s annual shareholder’s meeting in Oak Brook, Ill. Hannah Robertson stood and lectured the CEO of one of the world’s biggest brands. “I … Read more

Is There Even One Statesman Among Them?

Last week, the U. S. House of Representatives voted, by a count of 285-144, to approve a three-month extension of the debt limit in a bill that concurrently pressures lawmakers to adopt a budget or have their pay withheld. The bill, known as the No Budget No Pay Act of 2013, directs both chambers of Congress to adopt a … Read more

Home Based Manufacturing & Recycling

The Filabot brings a miniature recycling plant to your desktop, grinding down everyday plastic waste and transforming it into ready-to-use material for your 3d printing. Water pipes, drink bottles, plastic wrappers and Lego bricks can be fed into the machine which grinds, melts and extrudes the plastic into a filament of either 3mm or 1.75mm … Read more

‘Natural’ Driving Product Development in 2013

The 2013 edition of New Nutrition Business’s trend-spotting report, 10 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition & Health, indicates natural foods and ingredients will continue to see an upward trend in product development. The report, conducted by German-based Kampffmeyer Food Innovation, highlights consumer research that shows 74% of people surveyed thought that ‘natural’ meant ‘healthier.’ Several … Read more

Making Things Glow

The lamps of yesteryear, incandescents, produce light when electricity heats a thin filament. This causes it to glow. The quality of light is pleasing to many. But the lamps only last about 1,500 hours at best. They’re also inefficient. Roughly 90 percent of the energy is emitted as heat rather than light. Full,  partial, or … Read more