
Introducing Your Thesis Advisor

In November of 2008, the Lead Trustee for the soon to be established Aevia Charitable Trust (The ACT), gave a talk on the carryover from person to person, or from one generation to another, that permits us to stand on the shoulders of greatness. The talk included the following statement: “The scientific quest, the curiosity … Read more

Vitamin D May Protect Against Respiratory Infections

“Vitamin D supplementation resulted in a statistically significant reduction in the proportion of participants experiencing at least one acute respiratory tract infection.” This was the conclusion of a meta-analysis conducted by Adrian R. Martineau, MD, PhD, from the Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom, and colleagues. According to the authors, acute respiratory infections are a substantial … Read more

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Time to Test a Sweetened Beverage Restriction

In testimony on February 16, 2017, before the House Committee on Agriculture, Angela Rachidi with the American Enterprise Institute made four main points before the House Committee on Agriculture. Here is her opening statement: Chairman Conaway, Ranking Member Peterson, and other Members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify this morning on restrictions … Read more

Oversimplifying Intelligent Design

One of the most unintelligent responses to the one and only uncaused cause was recently manifest in response to an article published by the science journal PLOS ONE. The Chinese scientists and publication apparently ran afoul of the scientific priesthood when they referred to, of all things, a Creator. “English is not our native language,”researcher Ming-Jin Liu … Read more

Closing the Nutrient Gap

While the dollar skew in science is seemingly all pervasive, the recent declarations concerning the efficacy, or lack thereof, in vitamin and mineral supplements would appear to betray the corporate line. On the one hand, big-agri would like you to believe that nutrient rich foods can be produced from nutrient depleted soils. On the other hand, big-pharma … Read more

Red Meat and Cancer

A sugar that naturally occurs in animals but not humans could be the reason why people are at higher risk for cancer when they consume red meat, researchers at the UC San Diego School of Medicine reported Monday. The scientists found that feeding the sugar Neu5Gc to mice engineered to be deficient in it — … Read more