Divine Definitions: (1) The Originator and Executor of the overall plan of creation <with the ability to effectively and efficiently move reality forward according to this plan>; (2) The preparer of structure <physical and administrative>; (3) The Designer of an interdependent system of organic cosmic order <integrating nature, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, etc.>; (4) The Architect of the orderly and methodical mind; (5) Presiding over organization; coordinator; director; (6) The expert correlator of all things, meanings, values, and beings
Comment: God’s plan is accommodating enough to encompass every possible set of decisions a person could ever make. Every potential interaction is accounted for. His organization is so flexible as to offer just the right kind of help to each individual toward a more perfect state of mind (and soul) no matter where they are scattered along the road.
Human Definitions: (1) an orderly and methodical mind; (2) bringing a new whole into being by rearranging essential elements and interdependent parts; multi-leveled; (3) brought together for a common objective; cooperative; establish or institute <an organization> for a common purpose; amalgamated; (4) a system of organic cosmic order <nature, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics>
• For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned. — Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American polymath [eight disciplines]
• Sometimes we let life guide us, and other times we take life by the horns. But one thing is for sure: no matter how organized we are, or how well we plan, we can always expect the unexpected. — Brandon Jenner (1981-) American actor
Tip: The key to order is putting like objects together.
Suggestion: A simple and effective way of getting organized is by beginning your day making a list, then prioritizing the items, and ending the day making notes. You may even dream of the answers to your knotty issues.