
Definitions: (1) the ability to anticipate and make provision for future events; foresight; (2) the power of seeing into a situation or the inner nature of things; insight; (3) a vivid imaginative conception or anticipation; envision; (4) able to create an artistic presentation of extraordinary beauty; (5) sure-sighted

• Visions born of fear give birth to failing. Visions born of hope give birth to success. — Terry Brooks (1944-) Magic Kingdom for Sale—Sold {1986}
• I understand how scarlet can differ from crimson because I know that the smell of an orange is not the smell of a grapefruit. I can also conceive that colors have shades and guess what shades are. In smell and taste there are varieties not broad enough to be fundamental; so I call them shades. … The force of association drives me to say that white is exalted and pure, green is exuberant, red suggests love or shame or strength. Without the color or its equivalent, life to me would be dark, barren, a vast blackness.
Thus, through an inner law of completeness my thoughts are not permitted to remain colorless. It strains my mind to separate color and sound from objects. Since my education began, I have always had things described to me with their colors and sounds, by one with keen senses and a fine feeling for the significant. Therefore, I habitually think of things as colored and resonant. Habit accounts for part. The soul sense accounts for another part. The brain with its five-sensed construction asserts its right and accounts for the rest. Inclusive of all, the unity of the world demands that color be kept in it whether I have cognizance of it or not. Rather than be shut out, I take part in it by discussing it, happy in the happiness of those near to me who gaze at the lovely hues of the sunset or the rainbow. — Helen Keller (1880-1968) American author & lecturer (blind and deaf from 19 months old)

Affirmation: After you have decided to accomplish something, visualize it as completed with as much detail as possible. Then see yourself, your friends, and your family enjoying your new thing, quality, or experience. Affirm to yourself, “I appreciate the completion of this goal, and am thankful for the qualities I have acquired in gaining it. They are now part of me for use in future endeavors.”

Reflection: Horizons are bounded by capacity and vision.

Visualization: Practice the visualization of becoming the new you. The young practice this often when they use their imagination: What will I be when I grow up?
There certainly can be a long-range vision of the wonderful person you are going to become, but there is also a short-range recognition of your “tomorrow self.” Practice what you need to become by seeing that person who is going to be doing the shopping tomorrow, or changing the hose on the lawn twenty minutes from now, or going on vacation next July Fourth. When each one of these things comes up, that new person (your future self) is there. You have become a new you. Each one of these events could be tied to a particular quality you want to exhibit between now and then, as well as during the event. When that new now and new person arrive, bless the previous person you were and let them go.

Advice: Sometimes people say, “Why don’t you just …” and then give you some description based on their own vision and ability. They consider their advice to be easy to follow, and it may be easy for them because they have either done it or have a natural talent for it. You may not have the same vision, and do not have that same easy concept of how to proceed. Translate their advise into your vision.

Color: violet

Symbols: 1) the lynx; 2) the eagle

Fictional Figure: Uriel [God is my light or the light of God], an archangel, is the most sharp-sighted of all the angels. — John Milton (1607-1674) Paradise Lost {1667}

Legendary Figure: Lynceus, a Greek Argonaut, was famed for his keen vision.