411 — Post Script
Actuals v. Potentials
The gist of the matter is this: God, as conceived by Jesus, receives and forgives the sinner, not for the purity of heart and life he has actually attained, but for that which he penitently and faithfully strives to attain. —A. Campbell Garnett (1942)
Disgust for Idleness and Unearned Wealth
The first requisite, if we are to move away from the disturbing inequality which now prevails among us, is, once more, a change of attitude. We shall have, no doubt, to generate a new form of disgust—disgust at fortunes that are far beyond the levels of any conceivable human wants…. A maturely moral society will … Read more
Facing Life
A discouraged and downcast fellow, struggling with obstacles and fighting with failures, will often deliberately attribute all his misfortune and difficulties to some trifling mistake in his youth, or to some insignificant blunder or minor transgression in later life. There recently came into our clinic a young man whose life was a perfect failure; he … Read more
Just the Facts
The value of science lies in its generalization and relation of fact to fact by means of which the mind builds a universe of sequences and connections, applying these generalizations to the needs of life…. The scientist, indeed, has no more right to be a materialist than an idealist. Neither of the foregoing presuppositions is … Read more
Perfect but Worthless
[I]n life there are so many factors involved that mathematical enumeration is the smallest and often the least important element involved. No illustration is more apt than the time-worn example of the logics, wherein it is presumed that if one man could dig a well in ten days, ten men could dig it in one. … Read more
Modern Civilization
It has been said that modern civilization could not have been built upon any such foundation as the words of Jesus. That may be true. Quite imaginably it is also true that what could be built upon his words would be a better thing than modern civilization is. —W. R. Bowie (1928)
The Makings of the Master Teacher
When we recall what keen interest children take in all work with tools, how they follow eagerly each process, and what pleasure they derive from using chips, blocks, and shavings as playthings, we may be sure that however humble the carpenter’s shop of Joseph, it afforded inexhaustible delight to the child Jesus and his playmates. … Read more
Cosmic Allurements
Somehow, in all this, the significant destiny of man begins dimly to be seen—only dimly, indeed, for the ultimate destiny is doubtless beyond us. But dimly we can see man, the curious dreamer of dreams, casting his dreams ahead of him—catching up to them—and again casting them ahead. —H. A. Overstreet (1931)
No Bird Can Soar Except by Outstretched Wings
Vultures soar into the blue until they are invisible, mounting in a spiral, but never moving their wings. Their outspread wings, while motionless, are kept adjusted to the upper currents of air in such a way that they are lifted ever higher…. Prayer is adjusting the personality to God in such a way that God … Read more