
Definitions: (1) sunny in attitude, demeanor, or spirit; (2) radiant with happiness or good fortune; (3) cheerful and lively; pleasant; (4) giving promise of prosperity; favorable; auspicious <a bright outlook>; (5) having a sparkling personality; resplendent with charms; animated; (6) displaying an active, clever, or intelligent mind; discerning; keen-witted; quick-witted Derivation: Sanskrit, “to shine” Synonyms: … Read more


Definition: astonishingly beautiful; exhibiting a remarkable ability; an exciting or thrillingly achievement Quotes:• One had to realize that mankind’s omnipotence is not in his powerful forms of energy, nor his complex machines, and not even in his wisdom: It is to be found in his flexibility, breadth, and farsightedness of thought. — Dmitri Bilenkin (1987-1987) … Read more


Definitions: (1) having or showing courage; intrepid; (2) to meet or endure with stamina and moral strength; dauntless; (3) to defy the odds; to challenge; to dare Derivations: Latin, “barbarous;” Old Spanish, “courageous;” Danish, “worthy” Synonyms: bold, gallant, great-hearted, hearty, heroicBrave is a general term that suggests fortitude, daring, and resolve; courageous implies a higher … Read more


Definitions: (1) generous in bestowing gifts or favors; munificent; (2) abundant; plentiful Symbol: snapdragon flowers Quotes:• Spread the seeds of encouragement far and wide, and delight in the bountiful harvest that they will surely bring. — Ralph Fulsom “Red” Marston (1904-1967) American Inspirational writer• Recognizing your talents doesn’t mean believing they’re limitless. Accepting your strengths … Read more


Definition: having a pleasing and genial manner; showing a cheerful or good-natured disposition; easy friendliness Derivation: French, “good man” Saying: Teamwork makes the dream work. Quote: Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. — Michael Jeffrey Jordan (1963-) American basketball player Comment: Are you unwilling to share your ideals with those who do … Read more


Definitions: (1) showing or requiring a fearless, daring spirit; planned with courage and zest; (2) brave; intrepid; confident; (3) displaying great liberty of style or expression; very free in behavior or manner; offbeat; unconventional Synonyms: bravura, adventurous, audacious, dauntless, high-spirited, stouthearted, valiant Too Far: brazen <without shame or the willingness to accept reason> Saying: … … Read more


Definitions: (1) a state or time of most beauty, freshness, or health <as in youth or a flower>; (2) outward evidence of vitality or healthy vigor <a rosy appearance>; (3) enriching one’s life; growing; (4) shining out; glowing Synonyms: beautiful, blossoming, fair, flourishing, youthful Quotes:• Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows … Read more


Definitions: (1) experiencing complete happiness or joy; (2) the cause of delight or elation Synonyms: blessed, ecstatic, rapturous Quotes:     Note: The following two quotes are from Joseph John Campbell (1904-1987) Interview with Bill Moyers {1999}• I feel if one follows his bliss, the thing which really gets you deep in the gut, and that you feel … Read more


Definitions: (1) held in reverence; (2) bringing comfort, joy, pleasure, or contentment; (3) enjoying great happiness; blissful Synonyms: cheerful, endowed, enriched, felicitated, gladdened, thankful Balancing Qualities: Humble, Responsible     Note: If you are blessed with the opportunity to serve because of your talents or the situation, seize the moment and choose to take up the responsibility. … Read more


Definitions: (1) having a gentle or mild disposition; possessing a gracious and agreeable spirit; (2) having a favorable or beneficial effect; (3) generous; liberal; kind Derivation: Latin, “good nature” Quote: Whatever your religious persuasion, if you believe that the universe is governed by benign forces, at some point you have to explain why there is … Read more