Divine Definitions: (1) Giving freely of Himself; selfless; (2) Desiring the beings of His creation to participate in the joys of the creation to an ever-increasing degree; magnanimous; (3) The great teacher; generous; (4) Contributing everything possible; munificent; (5) Liberal with rewards; altruistic; big-hearted; (6) Serving His children; the ultimate benefactor Comment: Before God started … Read more


Definitions: (1) quick, acute, or penetrating in intellectual perception; clever; shrewd; sharp-minded; (2) showing a keen awareness; attentive; vigilant; alert; (3) extremely sensitive to the needs or wants of others; (4) full of activity or energy; brisk; active; vigorous; (5) attractively dressed or groomed; good-looking; handsome; beautiful; (6) clearly defined; distinct, unobstructed Quotes:• Tolerance, compromise, … Read more


Definition: demonstrating helpful, beneficial, or friendly conduct; giving assistance or advantage to an individual or the community; thoughtful Balancing Qualities: To balance confidence and humility practice giving service. People Who Exemplify This Quality: Martin Luther King (1929-1968) American preacher & peacemaker Proverb:When I do not know who I am I serve you.When I know who … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing a pleasing appearance; excitingly appealing; glamorous; (2) interesting or thrilling; (3) stimulating; passionate; studly; sultry; sensual <usually physically>; flirtatious Balancing Qualities: Generosity, Joy, Respect Familial Qualities: desire, intimacy, sensuality Too Far: licentious, lustful, promiscuous Comment: Physical attraction my spark a relationship but a tender soul is what will sustain it. Observations:• There … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident; (2) the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; (3) having good fortune; lucky Derivation: Also known as “accidental sagacity,” a faculty possessed by the heroes in the Persian classic The Three Princes of Serendip {1557}. The word serendipity … Read more


Definitions: (1) showing, having, or caused by earnestness or deep thought; sober or solemn; (2) meaning what one says or does; not joking or trifling; sincere; (3) concerned or dealing with important matters; grave; problem solving with a focused intensity; weighty; (4) requiring careful consideration in matters involving difficulty, effort, or costly action Balancing Qualities: … Read more


Definition: (1) marked by peaceful repose or quietude; (2) possessing a tranquil, placid mind; undisturbed in one’s soul; ataraxia <the lucid state of robust equanimity> Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. — Karl … Read more


Definitions: (1) responsive to the views of others; (2) tender or compassionate toward the feelings of others; (3) endowed with sensation; perceptive through the senses Too Far: critical, temperamental, thin-skinned Quotes: • It is usually the imagination that is wounded first, rather than the heart; it being much more sensitive. — Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) … Read more


Definitions: (1) showing tender emotion; having delicate feelings toward music, poetry, or drama; sensitive to the feelings <especially pain> of others; (2) moved by sensible emotional idealism; acting from feelings balanced by practical and utilitarian motives Balancing Qualities: Reasonable, Rugged Too Far: maudlin Music: “Sentimental Journey” {1944}Gonna take a sentimental journeyGonna set my heart at … Read more


Definitions: (1) derived from, based on, or perceived by the senses; (2) easily affected by or appealing to the senses; (3) keenly appreciative of beauty, refinement, or luxury; (4) enjoying the pleasures of sensation Too Far: licentious (lacking moral restraints) Quote: My mind withdrew its thoughts from experience, extracting itself from the contradictory throng of … Read more