
Definition: carefree and frolicsome; boisterous; gay and lively Quote: Work freely and rollickingly as though you were talking to a friend who loves you. — Brenda Ueland (1891-1985) American writer Comment: You can roll along at a leisurely pace or rollick along with the abandon of gravity. Either way look ahead to avoid little kids … Read more


Definitions: (1) responsive to an imaginative or emotional appeal of what is heroic, adventurous, mysterious, or idealized; (2) loving and affectionate; (3) conducive to or suitable for a loving relationship Derivation: Originally, a “romance” was a long narrative in verse or prose, written in one of the Romance dialects about the adventures of knights and … Read more


Definitions: (1) able or inclined to laugh; (2) causing laughter; sunny; amusing; (3) rident <smiling, cheerful Saying: Laughter is the music of grace. Quotes: • At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. — Jean Houston (1937 -) American spiritual teacher• If you’re going to be able to … Read more

Risk Taker

Definitions: (1) one willing to expose themselves to danger, ranging from minor challenge to major peril; promethean; (2) venturesome Quote: The challenge is that the day before something is truly a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea. And crazy ideas are very risky to attempt. — Peter H. Diamandis (1961-) American engineer & entrepreneur Comment: For … Read more


Definition: having or exhibiting sound health or great strength; vigorous; hearty; solidly built; sturdy; muscular Derivation: Latin, “oak strength” Synonyms: hale, lusty Balancing Qualities: Farsighted, Quick-witted Quote: Whatever obstacle comes your way, you gotta be prepared to jump over it! And I think that’s what separates the legends from the regular artists. It’s all in … Read more


Definitions: (1) in accordance with justice, law, or morality; upright; virtuous; righteous; (2) in agreement with fact, reason, or a set standard; conforming to truth; (3) correct in thought, statement, or action; (4) fitting or appropriate; suitable; most convenient or favorable; preferable; (5) normal <said of the mind>; sane <said of a person>; (6) having … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The Divine source of the correctness of truth; (2) The appropriate use of power; (3) Establishment and governance of moral principles; ethical rectitude; (4) The wise use of judgment; reasonable and fair; (5) Honorably noble Comment: A person with a righteous character co-ordinates facts, ideas, and ideals; then decides on what to … Read more


Definitions: (1) the repetition of beat, sound, accent, or motion <usually occurring in a regular or harmonious pattern>; (2) having a sense of the pattern and flow Quotes:• Music creates order out of chaos: for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous. — … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing abundant possessions <as material wealth, mental knowing, and/or spiritual worth>; (2) having high value or quality; (3) plentiful; ample; (4) elaborate; luxurious     See also: Prosperous Synonyms: affluent, copious, fruitful, luscious, precious, sumptuous Balancing Quality: Gratitude Quotes:• Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I … Read more


Definition: regarded with deep respect, love, awe, or affection; to venerate, honor; or hold in esteem; admired Derivation: Latin, “to fear” Quotes:• The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, ‘We did it ourselves.’ — Lao-tse … Read more