
Definitions: (1) all is satisfactory with your physical, mental, or emotional state; adequate; sufficient; (2) permissible, (3) safe and sound;; hunky-dory; (4) estimable, likable, or dependable Quotes:• Sometimes it’s okay to give yourself a pat on the back and say, ‘That was cool. That made me feel good.’ — Sebastian Stan (1982-) Romanian-American actor• You … Read more


Definitions: (1) one who pays strict attention to, or for, an outward sign; keenly watchful; (2) a narrowing of focus <to hone in on an objective or discover something new>; perceptive; (3) quick to notice or pick out anomalies; alert; (4) conforming to law, custom, religion, or ritual How to Live This Quality Today: Use … Read more


Definitions: (1) ready to be of service; helpful; courteous; civil; (2) under a debt of gratitude; appreciative Synonyms: Oblige emphasizes the idea of doing a favor, often with some effort; obliging and accommodating imply making a gracious gesture; accommodate emphasizes providing a convenience; complaisant indicates one who endeavors to please; kind indicates one who desires … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The actual, correct, and exact truth; (2) Truly existing in reality; not assumed to exist; (3) Possessing the final perspective; (4) The ultimate object of desire; the final goal; (5) Eminently fair; unbiased; right-minded; (6) The most valid values; (7) That which focuses light Comment: Even though we are finite, God does … Read more


Definitions: (1) complying with authority; yielding willingly to commands, orders, or injunctions; performing what is required or abstaining from that which is forbidden; (2) submissive to a higher authority; (3) guided by truth or conscious Synonyms: amenable, docile, dutiful, tractable Parental Qualities: faith, patience Quote: Yet the concept of civil disobedience, as practiced by such … Read more


Definitions: (1) characterizes one who promotes development by providing nourishment, support, and encouragement during the stages of growth; (2) raising; training; educating; (3) furthering the development of a person, project, idea, or ideal; fostering Quotes:• Our souls cannot be forced to grow, but like flowers, our spiritual selves can be nurtured until they blossom and … Read more


Definition: promoting or sustaining life, growth, or strength Proverb: Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. — The Bible, Matthew 4:4    Note: Every food provides its own nourishment. A wide and balanced variety provides sustaining energies. Synonyms: Nourish denotes supplying with food or causing to grow; … Read more


Definition: worthy of observation or notice <especially because of some special excellence>; outstanding; remarkable Quote: It is a full-time job being honest one moment at a time, remembering to love, to honor, to respect. It is a practice, a discipline, worthy of every moment. — Jasmine Chanel Guy (1962-) American actress Comment: Normally you may … Read more


Definitions: (1) conforming to or consisting of a pattern, process, or standard regarded as usual or typical; natural; regular; (2) without marked or persistent mental aberrations; well-adjusted Saying: Be comfortable in your own skin. Quotes:• To become a person does not necessarily mean to be well adjusted, well adapted, or approved of by others. It … Read more


Definition: avoiding judgments based on one’s personal or especially moral standards Quotes:• In judging others, folks will work overtime for no pay. — Charles Edwin Carruthers (1866-1930) American professor of political economy• We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have done. — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow … Read more