

Definitions: (1) engaging in vigorous action; energetic; bold and lively; spirited (2) elegant and gallant in appearance and manner; attractive; (3) moving with sudden speed Quotes:• We carry adolescence around in our bodies all our lives. We get through the Car Crash Age alive and cruise through our early twenties as cool dudes, wily, dashing, winsome . . . … Read more


Definitions: (1) very dear; beloved; cherished; popular; (2) very pleasing; charming; cute; lovable Quotes:• Art is the child of Nature; yes, her darling child, in whom we trace the features of the mother’s face, her aspect and her attitude. — Beck David Campbell (1970-) American musician• All men are by nature equal, made all of the same earth … Read more


Definition: fearlessness in courting danger <a daring mountain climbers>; bold; courageous; intrepid; adventurous; derring‑do <daring to do> Quotes:• It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. — Seneca (c. 3 bc-65 ad) Roman Stoic philosopher• I’ve trained all my life … Read more


Definitions: (1) neat in dress or demeanor; spruce; trim; natty; (2) alert and lively in movement and manners Balancing Qualities: Modest, Professional Quotes:• Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452–1519) Italian polymath [seven disciplines]• On the tawny sands and shelves trip the pert fairies and the dapper elves. — John Milton (1608–1674) … Read more


Definitions: (1) cultured and refined in taste; particular; fastidious; (2) delicately lovely or pretty; elegant; tender Synonyms: choice, exquisite, fine, neat, nice, rare Poetry:Yellow, mellow, ripened days, Sheltered in a golden coating;O’er the dreamy, listless haze,White and dainty cloudlets floating;Winking at the blushing trees,And the somber, furrowed fallow;Smiling at the airy ease,Of the southward flying swallowSweet and smiling are thy … Read more


Definition: crazy; silly; zany Too Far: foolish, loopy Quotes:• I’m in my own little world. But it’s okay; they know me here. — Daffy Duck (1937-) Animated cartoon character• I was chasing my dreams but I tripped over my reality and busted my head on the truth. — Daffy Duck (1937-) Animated cartoon character


Definition: (1) pleasingly pretty or charmingly attractive <especially in a delicate or dainty way>; (2) an innocence so charming as to captivate the heart of others Quotes:• Tell me I’m clever. Tell me I’m kind. Tell me I’m talented. Tell me I’m cute. Tell me I’m sensitive, graceful and wise. But tell me the truth. — Sheldon Allan … Read more


Definition: (1) strongly desirous to learn or know; (2) possessing a need to investigate; (3) quizzical Balancing Qualities: Diplomacy, Discretion, Thoughtful Familial Qualities: adventuresome, explorative Consequential Quality: understanding Too Far: nosy, prying     Note: A person’s privacy should always be respected. Music: “What’s Going On?” {1971}Father, fatherWe don’t need to escalateYou see, war is not the answerFor only love can conquer hateYou … Read more


Definitions: (1) skillful; clever; shrewd; (2) created with dexterous proficiency; ingenious; (3) a display of keen insight; inventive; (4) pretty in a delicate way; cutely attractive Synonyms: artful, astute, crafty, sly, subtle, wily Quotes:• Man has made many machines, complex and cunning, but which of them indeed rivals the workings of his heart? — Pablo … Read more


Definitions: (1) a quality of refinement arising from an acquaintance with, and concern for, what is regarded as excellent in the arts, letters, and/or manners; (2) exhibiting improvement of the mind by education and training; intellectual pursuit; (3) appreciation of fine quality; enlightenment Synonyms: accomplished, erudite, learned, polished, refined Quote:• Cultivate truth, good faith, experience, … Read more