Divine Definitions: (1) The most exquisite Person in the universe. The Divine gift to every person that enhances pleasure to the senses, exalts the mind, and elevates spiritual reality; (2) The aesthetic effect produced by harmony; (3) The essence of any excellent quality; (4) Grace with charm; delightful; (5) Intensely pleasing; extremely fine; (6) Artistic; … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The Giver of gifts; the Person with the most lavish generosity; (2) The Benefactor of examples and life lessons; (3) The application of devotion to the universe <He bestows his love upon all his children.> Observation: Many great people have lived remarkable lives: Jesus, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Saints (known and unknown). These lives, … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The Person from which everything emanates; (2) The foundational focal point; the nucleus; (3) The place of tranquil quiescence; stationary and still (4) The fundamental source of power and authority; (5) The convergence of every part of reality <physical force, personality and mind circuits, spiritual and physical gravity, and all life>; (6) … Read more


Definitions: (1) having easy and open access to; approachable; friendly; intimate; (2) receiving with gladness or delight <you are always welcome>; courteous, cordial; (3) able to be contacted, appreciated, or discovered Quote: Nature promotes mutualism. The flower nourishes the bee. The river waters quench the thirst of all living beings. And trees provide a welcoming … Read more


Definitions: (1) stimulating or exciting; having gusto; zippy; (2) adding a pleasant tang or zing to; piquant; (3) sedulous Quote: Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest. — Christian Emest Dior (1905–1957)) French fashion designer


Definitions: (1) ardent in the pursuit of an object; enthusiastic; (2) full of, characterized by, showing, or sowing fervor or passion; (3) giving wholehearted commitment Compatible Qualities: Intelligent enthusiasm, High ideals, Deep understanding Too Far: fanatic Saying: Practices zealously pursued pass into habits. Quote: Don’t let our outside labels or how fervent we look or … Read more


Definition: whimsically comical; clownishly crazy; wildly absurd Derivation: Italian, “a clownish performance” Quotes:• Progress is man’s ability to complicate simplicity. — Thor Heyerdahl (1914 – 18 April 2002) was a Norwegian adventurer & ethnographer• Master the zany habit of thinking backwards. It will help you become a really great thinker! — Lucas Remmerswaal, New Zealand … Read more


Definitions: (1) very pleasing to the senses <especially if tasty or tasteful>; delicious; delectable; succulent; (2) a general quality of approval or appreciation Saying: One should always keep their words soft and tender for tomorrow they may have to eat them. Quote: Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna … Read more


Definition: amusing in a clever way; exhibiting ironic humor Quotes:• In the beginning was the thing … and one thing led to another. — Thomas “Tom” Eugene Robbins (1936-) American novelist, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas {1994}• A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life. — William Arthur Ward (1921–1994) American motivational writer• Common sense and a sense of humor … Read more


Definition: demonstrating commendable excellence or great merit; possessing noble value or distinguished character; deserving praise; estimable; virtuous Quotes:• True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. —  Helen Keller (1880-1968) American author & lecturer (blind and deaf from 19 months old)• It’s not our job to play judge and … Read more