

Definitions: (1) receiving or acquiring new properties or qualities; growing; (2) giving a pleasing effect; possessing an attractive appearance; graceful; (3) displaying appropriate manners or character; exhibiting proper behavior

Synonyms: civil, decent, fitting, suitable

• Don’t let what you’re being get in the way of what you might become. — Harry Palmer (1930-) Canadian photographer
• ‘To be or not to be?’ That is not the question. What is the question? The question is not one of being, but of becoming. ‘To become more or not to become more’ This is the question faced by each intelligence in our universe. — Truman Grant Madsen (1926–2009) American professor of religion & philosophy

Visualization: Man finding God and God finding man—the creature becoming perfect as is the Creator—that is the supernal achievement of the supremely beautiful, the attainment of the apex of cosmic art. (56:10.3) — The Urantia Book {1955}