Material Resources – Phenolic

Phenolics or Polyphenols are the structural ‘backbone’ for most of the antioxidants found in plants. Plants construct complex phenolic compounds that serve a variety of functions as defense mechanisms and through interactions with other organisms. They may function to protect the plant from insects, diseases, and environmental stress. Phenolics also determine certain desirable plant properties … Read more

Material Resources – Acrylic

Acrylic is a clear plastic that resembles glass. It also has properties that make it superior to glass in some applications. Common brands of high-grade acrylic include Polycast, Lucite and Plexiglass.There are two basic types of acrylic: extruded and cell cast. Extruded or “continuous cast” acrylic is softer, more easily scratched and the cheaper castings … Read more

Big Business

A Bustling Hate-Crime IndustryPolitical entrepreneurship involves devising benefits to excite or mollify niche constituencies. Hence HR 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, which has passed the House, trailing clouds of sanctimony — lots of members announced their hatred of hate.Hate-crime laws — 45 states already have them; Congress does not … Read more


Senators throw support behind internet radioLegislation has been introduced in the Senate that would overturn a decision putting Internet radio on a death watch. The “Internet Radio Equality Act” would vacate the recent ruling by the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) that hiked payment rates for performances 300 to 1200 percent, and would reinstate the … Read more


Leaving the Pack!EMI Music announced in April that it is making all of its digital repertoire available at a much higher sound quality than existing downloads and free of digital rights management (DRM) restrictions on a global basis.EMI’s retailers have been offered downloads of tracks and albums in the DRM-free audio format of their choice … Read more


Thoughts on Music by Steve JobsWhy would the big four music companies agree to let Apple and others distribute their music without using DRM systems to protect it? The simplest answer is because DRMs haven’t worked, and may never work, to halt music piracy. Though the big four music companies require that all their music … Read more


Earlier this month, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) sent a fourth wave of 402 pre-litigation settlement letters to 13 universities. Each pre-litigation settlement letter informs the school of a forthcoming copyright infringement suit against one of its students or personnel and requests that university administrators forward that letter to the appropriate network user. … Read more

A Legacy

Flaccus Albinus Alcuinus was a scholar, ecclesiastic, poet and teacher from York, England. He was born around 735 close to York — perhaps in the city itself. In 804, Alcuin of York died, leaving his mark. As an educator he made beauty, goodness and truth the hallmarks of Charlemagne’s Frankish empire. His great hunger for … Read more


N.Y. judge strikes down anti-bootleg lawA federal judge struck down a 1994 law banning the sale of bootleg recordings of live music, ruling the law unfairly grants “seemingly perpetual protection” to the original performances.U.S. District Judge Harold Baer Jr. found the bootleg law was written by Congress in the spirit of federal copyright law, which … Read more


Bootleg RecordingA bootleg recording (or simply bootleg or boot) is an audio and/or video recording of a performance that was not officially released by the artist, or under other legal authority.Bootlegs can consist of recordings of live performances, or material created in private or professional recording sessions. Changing technologies have had a great impact on … Read more