Their Values are Abhorrent

Full Transcript: In the United States, during 1933, there was a conspiracy to violently overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a dictator. In the so-called Business Plot, the oligarchy had attempted to recruit a popular Marine General, Smedley Butler, to orchestrate a march of five-hundred thousand men with the goal of … Read more

God Consciousness

Full Transcript: We each have faithful companions that sometimes go unrecognized. One is the Promised Helper that sojourns with the human soul. Jesus referred to this Spirit of the Son as The Spirit of Truth that will guide us into all truth if we are sincerely willing to be led. He was also referring to … Read more

Where are the Blue Helmets?

Full Transcript: It was the 90s, a new decade. The cold war had ended and the highly contentious relationship, between the United States and the Soviet Union, was no longer being played out in a high profile way, on the United Nations Security Council. Even China was behaving well, as it was dabbling in the … Read more

Evil, Sin, and Iniquity

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: We possess free will. With this endowment comes responsibility and the potential for error, evil, sin and iniquity. Though we are the final arbiters of our own destiny; pre-destination and fore-ordination are reality factors with which we must contend. To put it another way, … Read more

The New Blasphemy

Full Transcript: There is nothing uglier than a lack of appreciation. And American news viewers can see it every day in the faces of Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, and Jim Jordan. In contrast, the police officers that put their lives on the line to protect these scoundrels would do it again because, unlike … Read more

World Views

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In the seventeenth chapter of Genesis it is written: “When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him and said; I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.” Although we can hardly hope to attain perfection in the … Read more

A Reichstag Fire

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: When they arrived on the scene, Adolf Hitler wasted no time in making the pronouncement: “This is a God-given signal.” He continued: “If this fire, as I believe, is the work of the Communists, then we must crush out this murderous pest with an … Read more

Our Values

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: When realities are meaningful, we develop an appreciative consciousness of values. When relationships are recognized and appreciated, we grow individually, socially, and spiritually. Our most closely held values are ideally cultivated within the context of personal experience thriough relationships. William Glasser was an American … Read more

Vaccines and Iron Poor Blood

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The death cult, that is working so hard to misinform people about the CoVid Vaccine, has promoted a variety of novel conspiracy theories. Among them is the notion that what gets injected is some sort of interface that interacts with all of the 5G … Read more

Emphasis on the Wrong Things

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: There are those among us that have been unable to tell the difference between that liberty, as enjoyed by the truly faithful, and the license that is sometimes sold as liberty. To be sure, any so-called liberty that is exercised in ways that works … Read more