
Definitions: (1) possessing a gentle, quiet spirit; showing an undisturbed or equable demeanor; mild mannered; (2) peace of mind; serene; unruffled; calm; tranquil Derivation: Latin, “to please” Quotes:• The more simply we look at ticklish questions, the more placid will be our lives and relationships. — Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904) Russian playwright• Like water which … Read more


Definitions: (1) attractive style; dash; showing flair or sparkle; (2) energetic with vitality; vigorous; spirited Compatible Quality: entertaining Quote: The point of the dragonfly, the giant water bug, birdsong, or the beautiful dazzle and flash of sunlighted minnows, is not that it all fits together like clockwork – for it doesn’t – but that it … Read more


Definition: compassion for fellow-suffering; having sympathy or empathy for the grief or misery of another Quotes:• These flowers, which were splendid and sprightly, waking in the dawn of the morning, in the evening will be a pitiful frivolity, sleeping in the cold night’s arms. — Pedro Calderon de la Barca (1600–1681) Spanish dramatist, poet, & … Read more


Definitions: (1) exciting curiosity; mentally stimulating; provoking interest; (2) agreeably stimulating to the taste; pleasantly sharp or biting Synonyms: charming, clever, lively, smart, spirited Quote: I look at a basketball laying on the ground, and it makes me think of something. Popcorn ball. How ’bout a spicy popcorn ball? That is how my mind is … Read more


Definitions: (1) fidelity to obligations regarded as natural and fundamental; (2) having or showing religious devotion; godly; (3) sacred <distinguished from secular>; reverence; righteous Too Far: sanctimonious Quote: The moving finger writes, and having written moves on. Nor all thy piety nor all thy wit, can cancel half a line of it. — Omar Khayyam … Read more


Definition: venturing into that which is unknown or untried <sometimes to prepare the way for others> Compatible Quality: alertly courageous Parental Qualities: faith, freedom Familial Quality: adventurous Quote: As in biomedical science, pioneering industrial inventions have not been mothered by necessity. Rather, inventions for which there was no commercial use only later became the commercial … Read more


Definitions: (1) perceptible through the corporeal senses; subject to the laws of nature; (2) having material existence; of or relating to the body Quotes:• Merely by existing any physical system registers information, and by evolving in time it transforms or processes that information. — Seth Lloyd (1960-) American quantum mechanic• The concept of total wellness … Read more


Definitions: (1) possessing the ability to project one’s inner beauty; (2) suitable for being seen; especially artistically People Who Exemplify This Quality: Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) American political activist & speaker Quote: Have you ever had one of those moments when you know that you’re being visited by your own future? They come so rarely and … Read more


Definitions: (1) devoted to a study of the processes governing thought and conduct; (2) theoretical contemplation; (3) investigation of the principles and laws regulating the universe that underlie all knowledge and reality; (4) calm in a difficult situation; rational in the face of conflict; sensibly composed; (5) able to add meaning to confusion, put pain … Read more


Definition: possessing benevolence toward the whole human family; demonstrating universal good will <especially as manifested by donations of money, property, or work to needy persons or to institutions advancing human welfare> Derivation: Greek, “love of humanity” Quote: It’s important to think good, speak good, and do good. If we want to see positive change in … Read more