
Definitions: (1) the art of thinking and reasoning justly; (2) formally true or valid; (3) using correct rationality; (4) a persuasive argument with an expected and necessary progression; one thing rationally and sensibly following each statement; (5) the presentation of facts, feelings, and/or beliefs so as to give the listener reason to accept a given conclusion; teleology <explanation in terms of purpose> Axiom: As … Read more


Definitions: (1) elevated in character, quality, or condition; sublime; exalted; (2) noble in sentiment or diction; eminent; dignified Derivation: Old Norse, “air,” “heaven” Synonyms: high, proud, stately Balancing Quality: Humble Too Far: conceited Quote:• Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy … Read more


Definitions: (1) vigorous; active; (2) cheerful; airy; (3) spirited; exciting; stimulating; (4) strong; intense; stirring; (5)brilliant; fresh; (6) quick to rebound, to spring back; resilient Synonyms: Lively suggests briskness, alertness, or energy; animated applies to what is spirited, alive, and sparkling; gaiety stresses complete freedom from care and overflowing spirits; sprightly suggests lightness and spirited vigor of manner or wit; vivacious suggests an activeness of gesture and wit, often playful or alluring; bouncy … Read more


Definitions: (1) the willingness of the individual to share personal beliefs and faiths with others; (2) pertaining to the established formulas for public worship or the entire ritual for formal group worship Derivation: Latin, “public service” Quote: In the history of the liturgy there is growth and progress. What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred. It behooves all … Read more


Definition: a person who hears what is said; one who pays careful attention to everything <but especially to people> Saying: Listen thrice. Think twice. Speak once. Quote: Never miss a good chance to shut up. — William Penn Adair Rogers (1879–1935) American actor Comment: A good listener understands not only the words but also the meaning and … Read more


Definition: flexible; limber; nimble; pliant; supple Derivations: German, “soft;” Old English, “gentle, meek, mellow” Compatible Quality: Blithesome: (1) having a cheerful disposition; carefree; (2) filled with, marked by, or causing pleasure Quote: I know that in life there will be sickness, devastation, disappointments, heartache – it’s a given. What’s not a given is the way you … Read more


Definition: exceptionally courageous or strong; magnanimous Quote: The truth is like a lion. You do not have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself. — Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo (354–430) Roman Empire theologian and philosopher Symbol: The lion serves as a powerful representation of courage, strength, & resilience. And, like all qualities, … Read more


Definitions: (1) capable of being shaped; flexible; (2) having a supple and resilient mind or body; agile; nimble Synonyms: lithe, pliable, pliant Quote: The hallmark of creative people is their mental flexibility… Sometimes they are open and probing, at others they’re playful and off-the-wall. At still other times, they’re critical and faultfinding. And finally they’re doggedly persistent in striving … Read more


Definition: having qualities that compel approval; pleasant; agreeable; attractive; genial Saying: I do love you but I also like you; you’re the best. Quote: Having emotional intelligence allows you to manage your emotions, show empathy, and prevent you from getting distracted. It also helps you solve problems and be a more likable person. — John … Read more


Definitions: (1) free from care or anxiety; infused with joy; light-minded; (2) cheerfully optimistic and hopeful; easygoing Proverb:Where there is light in the soul there will be beauty in the person.Where there is beauty in the person there will be harmony in the home.Where there is harmony in the home there will be honor in the nation.Where there … Read more