
Definitions: (1) foreknowledge of and in harmony with obeying the law; respectful of the law; dutiful; licit; (2) the ability to know fact from fiction and right from wrong Quotes:• Only outer peace can be had through law. The way to inner peace is through love. — Peace Pilgrim [born Mildred Lisette Norman] (1908-1981) Steps … Read more


Definition: praiseworthy; commendable Derivation: Latin, “praise” How to Live This Quality Today: Do what you are supposed to do. Quote: Cheerfulness is among the most laudable virtues. It gains you the good will and friendship of others. It blesses those who practice it and those upon whom it is bestowed. — Bertie Charles Forbes (1880-1954) American journalist     … Read more


Definition: relaxed; easygoing; carefree Quote: You cannot be laid back at any given time and think ‘you have made it.’ You need to have your head on your shoulders and have the right attitude. Your attitude is extremely important. — Vaani Kapoor (1988-) Indian actress Comment: Newton was laid-back just enjoying his break when he was … Read more


Definition: possessing elegant manners; genteel; refined; polite; well-spoken     Note: All qualities are gender neutral. The traits described in the definitions are universally applicable.     See also: Gentlemanly Proverb: A man dreams of conquering the world. Does a woman dream of any less? — Chinese Quotes: Truth is a demure lady, much too ladylike to knock you on your head … Read more


Definitions: (1) mentally understood as fact or truth; well-informed; (2) keen to perceive; intelligent; (3) possessing appreciative insight; apprehending with clarity and certainty; (4) having a memory of or an experience with; solid recognition; (5) aware of or familiar with; having information about; (6) practiced Synonyms: comprehension, erudite, learned, skillful Balancing Quality: Interested Familial Qualities: … Read more


Definition: exhibiting those characteristics associated with knights, specifically chivalry, dignity, bravery, honesty, and goodness     Note: Every quality is ultimately manifested uniquely with each individual personality – male or female. Quotes:• The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one. — Honore de Balzac (1799–1850) French literary artist• The stories of … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Intrinsically good; (2) The personal application of fairness; (3) Open-hearted; warmhearted; (4) Willing to help; (5) Able to put up with imperfection; clement; (6) Forbearing Quote: We need to find God, and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, … Read more


Definitions: (1) acutely or finely perceptive; extremely sensitive, responsive, or alert; keen-witted; (2) having great acumen; shrewdly intelligent; penetratingly astute; (3) animated by strong feeling or desire; eager; interested; enthusiastic; (4) a recognition of delight; great; wonderful; marvelous Quote: The whole idea of compassion is based on a keen awareness of the interdependence of all these living beings, which are all part … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The Divine arbiter; (2) Conforming to the facts; reasonable; (3) Able to discern accurately; discriminating; (4) The final judge; the universal appraiser; (5) Pertaining to suitable treatment of; judicious; (6) Approving of an honest effort; fair; (7) The ultimate value critic; the penetrating evaluator Comment: Perfect knowledge and infinite wisdom assures the … Read more


Definition: possessing sound judgment; discreet; prudent; wise Synonyms: discerning, expedient, politic, sagacious, sensible, thoughtful, well-advised, well-judged Saying: Ex pede Herculem (Latin): “From the foot of Hercules” [From a part we may judge the whole.] Quotes:• All the way to heaven is heaven. — Saint Catherine of Siena [born Caterina Benincasa] (1347-1380) Italian Catholic theologian• I … Read more