Divine Definitions: (1) The non-personal side of Deity; (2) The unlimited, primal, original, and precursor aspects of Divinity from which power, energy, and matter emerge; (3) Holding and controlling all power, energy, and strength in check. Quotes:• May The Force be with you. — George Lucas (1944-) Star Wars {1977}• The absolute truth abides forever, … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The head of the universe; paternal; (2) Devoted to the care and rearing of the cosmic family; (3) The first Person of The Trinity; (4) The originator and initiator of all things and beings; The Father-Absolute     Note: Here Father denotes the loving nature of The Original Person.          See Also: Mother Quotes:• … Read more


Divine Definition: The Father, The Mother, Sons and Daughters; the unit of mutual and intimate support; storge <natural (or acquired) familial love> Comment: God was replete before creating anything or anyone. It was His loving nature motivating Him to begin the universal family. It is love that brings His family together. The best parental qualities … Read more


Definitions: (1) all sides treating each other truthfully and impartially; just; equitable; objective; evenhanded; (2) pleasant and courteous; civil; (3) free from anything which might impair the appearance, quality, or character; clean; pure; (4) agreeable to the eye or mind <especially because of fresh, charming, or flawless traits>; lovely; beautiful; attractive; (5) open; honest; (6) … Read more


Definitions: (1) enlarging in range or scope; unfolding; becoming more comprehensive; opening; developing in detail; (2) spreading positive ideas or ideals; (3) possessing a large measure of benevolence; broad-minded, generous, open-hearted, and sympathetic Synonyms: amplifying, extending, swelling Quote: The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Setting the cosmos in motion; actualizing reality; activating the plan of creation; (2) Fully committed to the dynamic service of the universe; (3) Affectionately connecting with each person; (4) Exerting executive control of the energetic forces proposed by Original Thought; (5) Operating within everything and everyone; absolute immanence Comments:• Only after God … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) God is the ultimate and inevitable goal of all creation; the final accomplishment; (2) The promise of prevailing in one’s search for God; the definitive attainment; (3) The end result of giving in to God’s irresistible influence; triumphant and victorious; (4) Our refuge and our strength Comment: If we had no free … Read more


Definitions: (1) arriving at a solution after purposeful consideration thus ending uncertainty or dispute; (2) making a choice or finalizing a judgment; (3) showing determination for a dedicated purpose; firmness; resolute Synonyms: conclusive, incontestable, positive, unmistakable, unquestionable Balancing Qualities: Open-minded, Vision Parental Qualities: faith, wisdom Consequential Qualities: calm, peaceful Too Far: demanding, narrow-minded Quote:The opposite … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The Person who brings everything into being; the originator (and maintainer); the ordainer of what is caused to exist; (2) Characterized by originality and execution of first thoughts; (3) Productive; inventive; omniferous; (4) The generator of reality: physical, mental, spiritual, and personal; (5) Establishing and mandating the primal patterns, forms, and designs; … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Imparting reassurance, encouragement, and strength; (2) Bringing solace and consolation in times of distress; (3) Providing grace, hope, and cheer; (4) Showing compassion and soul soothing kindness; (5) Bestowing satisfaction and contentment; (6) The Teacher of all things Comments:• Definition number six, “the Teacher of all things,” helps us understand how comfort … Read more