
Definitions: (1) acting in a just, noble, or honorable manner; upright; virtuous; ethical rectitude; (2) morally right or justifiable, reasonable; scrupulous; (3) satisfying the precepts of a code of behavior; fair; good; excellent; (4) pleasant; (5) authentic Derivation: Anglo-Saxon, “wise, right” Proverbs:• Walk the path of righteousness.• Where there is righteousness in the heart, there … Read more

Service Minded

Definition: demonstrating helpful, beneficial, or friendly conduct; giving assistance or advantage to an individual or the community; thoughtful Balancing Qualities: To balance confidence and humility practice giving service. People Who Exemplify This Quality: Martin Luther King (1929-1968) American preacher & peacemaker Saying:When I do not know who I am I serve you.When I know who … Read more


Definitions: (1) receptive; not closed to new ideas; a clean slate <an absence of preconceived ideas or goals> undisguised; (2) generous; liberal; unstinted; (3) frank; candid; direct; honest; unprejudiced; (4) ready to do, hear, see, or accept; fully prepared; attentive; (5) allowing approach, view, passage, or access; available; unquestionable; (6) not secret or hidden; forthcoming; … Read more


Definitions: (1) free from prejudicial personal feelings or opinions; eminently fair; unbiased; right-minded; (2) external to the mind and distinct from inner or imaginary feelings and thoughts; actual phenomena; real; (3) The actual, correct, and exact truth; (4) a purposeful goal one’s efforts are intended to attain or accomplish; target     See also: Realistic Quotes:• Objectivity … Read more


Definitions: (1) free from prejudicial personal feelings or opinions; eminently fair; unbiased; right-minded; (2) external to the mind and distinct from inner or imaginary feelings and thoughts; actual phenomena; real; (3) The actual, correct, and exact truth; (4) a purposeful goal one’s efforts are intended to attain or accomplish; target     See also: Realistic Quotes:• Objectivity … Read more


Definitions: (1) reacting readily and sympathetically; receptive; (2) sensitive and compassionate; serving with graciousness; (3) attentive and open-minded; a listener; (4) a satisfaction of curiosity; sensitive to answers and insights Synonym: amenable Quotes:• The brain has evolved over millions of years to be responsive to different kinds of content in the world. Language content, musical … Read more


Definitions: (1) utter; sheer; <pure joy>; (2) free from defects; perfect; faultless; unblemished; (3) untainted with evil or guilt; innocent; blameless; spotless; (4) physically chaste; virginal; (5) ceremonially or ritually clean; undefiled; (6) genuine; objectively real Synonyms: clean, clear, guileless, impeccable, pristine, pure-hearted, ultrapure, uncorrupted, unsullied Quotes:• Purity of speech, of the mind, of the … Read more


Definitions: (1) indicating acceptance, approval, or affirmation <She received a positive response.>; (2) the best of a kind; good; ideal; favorable <He was a positive role model to the class.>; (3) marked by optimism <We enjoyed their refreshing positive point of view.>; (4) existing in fact or by the presence of something and not by … Read more


Definitions: (1) the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance; (2) the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed; (3) a broader overview or larger prospect <to gain a broader perspective on> Quotes:When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not … Read more


Definitions: (1) resolute endurance <especially with what is known to be correct>; (2) abiding; persevering; (3) continuing to exist; lasting; (4) daughty <brave and persistent> Balancing Qualities: Daring, Diversity, Fearless Quotes:• Keep on pluggin’. — John Preston Downs (1913-2005) American businessman & father• It just goes to show, if you are persistent, something gets done. … Read more