
Definitions: (1) worthy of acceptance or belief <an authentic idea>; genuine; real; (2) approved by authority; trustworthy; reliable; (3) true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character; unique Synonyms: credible, faithful, official, original Quotes:• The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love, and to … Read more


Definitions: (1) having or showing kindness, courtesy, charm, good taste, or generosity of spirit; (2) tactful and delicate; urbane; refined; (3) merciful; compassionate; (4) possessing divine grace; virtuous; good Synonyms: affable, benignant, cordial, genial, mild, sociable, tender Quotes:• I might have some difficult questions, but I know God is good, merciful, and gracious. — Jeremy … Read more


Definitions: (1) sincere and frank; honest and forthright; (2) real; true; authentic; not artificial; not counterfeit <a genuine manuscript> Synonyms: (fair) dinkum, natural, unadulterated, unaffected, veritable Comment: When, on the one hand, one seems genuine and honest, but on the other hand, has selfish motives, their true purpose cannot really be known until time clarifies … Read more


Definitions: (1) facing and dealing with anything recognized as difficult or painful instead of withdrawing from it; (2) that firmness of spirit that meets danger or hardship without fear; strength of character; unflinching; (3) the quality of being mentally or morally fearless or brave; valorous; intrepid; unruffled Synonyms: bold, daring, dauntless, enterprising, gallant, hardy, heroic, … Read more


Definition: a willingness and ability to work with others; collaborative; greater efficiency through teamwork Proverb: When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion. — Ethiopian Quote: Whatever God’s dream that man may be, it is certain it cannot come true unless man cooperates. — Stella Terrill Mann (1898-1990) Author of Change Your Life … Read more


Definitions: (1) showing kindly regard for the feelings or circumstances of others; thoughtful; (2) showing care; deliberate Derivation: Latin, “examine,” )perhaps based on sidus: “star”) Quotes:• Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree. — Marian Wright Edelman (1939-) American civil rights activist• Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, … Read more


Definitions: (1) respectful of the basic human rights of others; (2) courteous and polite; mannerly; (3) proper behavior Synonyms: affable, complaisant, obliging Quotes:• Manners are the basic building blocks of civil society. — Alexander “Sandy” McCall Smith (1948-) British legal scholar & author• All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. — François … Read more


Definitions: (1) having distinctive importance; momentous; renowned; (2) marked by nobility of thought or action; distinguished; dignified (3) unusual in ability of achievement; highly gifted; illustrious; superior; eminent; (4) impressive; remarkable; grand (5) proficient; skillful; (6) excellent; splendid; fine; (7) enthusiastic Synonyms: celebrated, extraordinary, great-minded, majestic, powerful Quotes:• To be great is to be Godlike. … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) The personal aspect of deity; (2) The One Uncaused Reality; (3) The first, best, and highest being in existence; (4) The embodiment of sanctity Comments:• Divinity is the unifying and coordinating quality of deity. Divinity is qualitatively comprehended as love, truth, beauty, and goodness. Divinity is correlated in personality as love, mercy, … Read more


Definitions: (1) refined or polite; noble; (2) heeding the need of others with delicacy and sensitivity; generous; kind; (3) able to handle a situation smoothly; self-composed, serene; patient; (4) mild; moderate Synonyms: meek, pacific, peaceful, placid, quiet, softhearted, tender Balancing Qualities: Determined, Strong Maxim: Gently in manner, strongly in deed. Quote: The finest workers in … Read more