

Definition: feeling or perceiving with pleasure or satisfaction; relishing

• Live and enjoy; this is a gift from God. — Giovanni Francesco Sagredo (1571-1620) Venetian mathematician
• Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete. — Chanda Kochhar (1961-) Indian bank manager
Enjoying outdoor recreation is not only good for physical health, but also for improving mental health, and I encourage everyone to explore some of the beautiful opportunities our state has to offer. — Edward Miner Lamont Jr. (1954-) 89th governor of Connecticut
     Note: This could be said about any of Nature’s gifts.

After an objective has been achieved, you feel good about what you have done. But before and during the process, you worry and sweat and hope. But does it feel like success while you are going through it? You might as well (try to) enjoy the doing of it.