4 — Trust (Charitable)

T Charitable Trust: Conservator

As the fourth cornerstone in FACT, the Trust will preserve inviolate the emphasis, the fixed purpose and the adduced objectives embodied in the Aevia Precepts. It will coordinate and support the educational, ministerial and entrepreneurial components that constitute the charitable services in FACT. It will manage the endowments committed to its care in trust. It will advocate for interpersonal integrity and values affirmation through the Pledge Relationship Evaluation and Support System (PRESS) components of Ascension University. It will apportion general funds, direct designated gifts, license marks and administer trusts in accordance with its fiduciary duty as stated in the Declaration of Trust (DOT) and as conditioned by any pledge of time, talent and treasure along with other donor, investor, worker and project requirements.


The Advisory Councils (The ORYs)

The Advisory Councils are consensus builders. They do not exercise authoritative jurisdiction over Aevia in FACT. Where the attempt to build consensus is not successful, where the adoption of worthwhile recommendations has not occurred, and when the best interests of the group or any part are concerned, the Directors may, on their own initiative, execute those recommendations of the Advisory Councils that are clearly founded on the principles delineated in the Aevia Precepts and the Aevia Declaration of Trust.


Object Council: Focalizer

As the FACTORY touchstone, this Council will constitute and objectify the range of requirements and emphasize the arrangement, coherence and convergence of projects and plans that share common goals and methodologies. It will work to concentrate resources on developing the bright ideas, validating the high ideals and defining the lofty goals of the Group. It will develop the faith and works plan while continually combing the group portfolio of projects, looking and advocating for new economies of scale and skill. Its ongoing challenge will be to continually sharpen the corporate perception of object plane imperatives to the point of crystal clarity and striking relief.


Rubric Council: Encompasser

As the FACTORY grindstone, this Council will define the range of dimensional performance for all group components. It will take cognizance of Divine, natural and human laws as it develops the directions rules and statutes of corporate governance. It will review major project plans in the context of fit, function and group implications. Among the rubrics addressed, defined, and fine tuned will be the remedial pin-pointing that is facilitated through a content refresh process we call EBB-FLO. The TIP/TOP (spectral), TIC/TOC (temporal) and the TIC/TAC/TOE (spatial) infusion metrics are just a small part of what sets the Experience Bank apart from any data warehouse based knowledge bank. The Council will condition the faith and works plan as it articulates the scope, sequence and terms of engagement for all major initiatives.


Yield Council : Summarizer

As the FACTORY milestone, this quasi independent auditor will engage in summative research. It will assess group component and management performance in the context of return on investment and with respect to predefined qualitative and quantitative metrics. The Council will state, with particularity and specificity, group component performance with respect to the Faith & Works Plan.


The Service Motivation: ‘S’ Factor

The principal design criteria for the Aevia Group include the command to love one another as Jesus loves us. Love, as the first part of the command is the overarching motivational FACTOR. Contemporary efforts to emulate the ministry of Jesus is first among the FACTORS of Loving Service. The vehicle we are building to facilitate this expression of love is the creative FACTORY.

As we assess the true value of any Aevia initiative, loving service always trumps the score card. In our cyclical performance analysis, we alternate between the two aforementioned acronyms, FACTORY and FACTORS. We do this to differentiate between actual and potential yields. As part of the virtuous cycle we replace the Y with an S on the second pass to account for the developing and ongoing services that are likely to yield future, though as yet unmeasurable, benefits. If we are spiritually motivated and acting in accordance with the laws of fruitfulness, we tend to expect good results. Such faith based reasoning and provisioning recognizes that, while we labor to produce, the actual yield is ultimately in God’s hands.

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