

Definitions: (1) respectful of the basic human rights of others; (2) courteous and polite; mannerly; (3) proper behavior Synonyms: affable, complaisant, obliging Quotes:• Manners are the basic building blocks of civil society. — Alexander “Sandy” McCall Smith (1948-) British legal scholar & author• All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers. — François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon (1651–1715) … Read more


Definition: supreme self-confidence; nerve; audacity; temerity Balancing Qualities: It’s easy for qualities of strength and self-reliance to get out of hand if they are not balanced by compassion, kindness, and a willingness to see the other person’s point of view. Too Far: insolence Quote: Poets are excellent students of blizzards and salt and broken statuary. If the … Read more


Definition: intimate companionship; affable friendliness; sociably outgoing Derivation: English, “chimney sweep” Quote: I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. — Dale Carnegie (1888–1955) American writer and lecturer Comment: You can be chummy with anyone, but a true friend is … Read more


Definitions: (1) something worthy of being favored; of special excellence; the best part of anything; (2) the ability to know the higher, better, or more preferable thing; recognition of prime value; (3) holding dear; (4) to select freely after careful consideration; the voluntary act of separating from two or more things; (5) having the right … Read more


Definitions: gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration; valiant; chevalier Compatible Qualities: courageous, honorable, generous, loyal Quote: You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man’s actions are, such must be his spirit.— Demosthenes (384–322 bc) Greek statesman & orator Comment: Even though this quality normally refers to men, that … Read more


Definitions: (1) in cheerful good humor and health; jaunty; lively; (2) smartly dressed; soigné <elegantly well groomed> Derivation: Northern English dialect, “lively” Poetry:We’ve found this Scott Fitzgerald chapA chipper charming child;He’s taught us how the flappers flap,And why the whipper-snappers snap— Keith Preston (1884–1927) American author Quote: Happiness is not the shallow state of feeling pleased and chipper … Read more


Definition: relating to or resembling a child or childhood; <especially marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness> Saying: You are as young as you feel. Quotes:• You can be childlike without being childish. A child always wants to have fun. Ask yourself, ‘Am I having fun?’ — Christopher Peter Meloni (1961-) American actor• The pursuit of … Read more


Definition: elegantly attractive; stylishly original; clever with fashion Quote: Making loans and fighting poverty are normally two of the least glamorous pursuits around, but put the two together and you have an economic innovation that has become not just popular but downright chic. The innovation – microfinance – involves making small loans to poor entrepreneurs, usually … Read more


Definitions: (1) treating another with tenderness and affection; (2) taking care of, fostering, or nurturing a loved one; (3) liebchen; holding dear; valued highly; appreciated; (4) kept in mind <cherish the memory>; to cling to <cherish the principles of virtue>; encouraging Familial Qualities: maternal, paternal Quote: Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. … Read more


Definitions: (1) full of good spirits; animated; full of life; joyful; (2) having a bright attitude; lightness of mind; (3) creating contagious merriment; (4) willing; hearty; (5) likely to dispel gloom or worry; (6) something that gladdens <words of cheer> Synonyms: bonny, buoyant, happy, lively, pleasant, sprightly, sunny, riant <laughing, smiling, mirthful> Music: “Whistle While You … Read more