
Definitions: (1) mentally clear and sound <especially the ability to anticipate and appraise the effect of one’s own actions>; rational; (2) having or showing good reason or judgment; sensible; compos mentis <of sound mind>; (3) free from hurt or disease; healthy     See also: Realistic Compatible Quality: prepared Quotes:• In order to be sane and adjusted … Read more


Definitions: (1) producing a remedial effect; wholesome; healthful; (2) encouraging or contributing to some beneficial purpose; (3) something corrective or beneficially effective, even though it may in itself be unpleasant Derivation: Latin, “safety” Synonyms: advantageous, profitable, useful Quotes:• Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, … Read more


Definition: keenly perceptive or discerning; shrewd; farsighted in judgment; prudent Derivation: Latin, “wise” Synonyms: acuity, intelligent, judicious Quotes:• Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation. — Norman Ralph Augustine (1935-) American aerospace businessman• Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. — Lao-tse (6th Century BC) Chinese … Read more


Definition: a person of great virtue, benevolence, piety, charity, patience, or any combination of the best qualities; holy Quotes:• Every saint has a past and every sinner a future. — Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Irish poet• Each and every one of us knows that we have only one work to do in this world and that … Read more


Definition: (1) favorable to the health of mind or body; (2) promoting balance or well-being <especially the effects of climate or nature> Quote: Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness. — Louise Hart (1921-2020) American author Observation: It … Read more


Definitions: (1) capable of enduring hardship; robust; (2) having a sturdy constitution; strongly built Quotes:• No member of a crew is praised for the rugged individuality of his rowing. — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American poet• Mankind progresses not smoothly, as by a sliding carpet ascent, but by rugged steps broken by gaps. He halts … Read more


Definitions: (1) free or escaped from damage, danger, or injury; secure; unharmed; (2) giving protection; (3) trustworthy; reliable; sure; (4) taking no risks; prudent; cautious Balancing Qualities: Adventurous, Courageous, Inventive Too Far: timid Saying:• Better safe than sorry.• You will go most safely by the middle course. Quotes:• I could not tread these perilous paths … Read more


Definitions: (1) cheerful and optimistic; bright and promising; (2) tinged with a rosy color Adage: What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. — William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Romeo and Juliet {1595} Poem:All the Woulda-Coulda-ShouldasLayin’ in the sun,Talkin’ ’bout the thingsThey woulda coulda shoulda done…But those … Read more


Definition: (1) cause to become active; (2) very vigorous; brisk; lively; exciting; stirring; Derivation: Middle English, (originally as a hawking and hunting term) “to shake the feathers” Quotes:• Men will never worship God with a sincere heart, or be roused to fear and obey Him with sufficient zeal, until they properly understand how much they … Read more


Definitions: (1) superior in quality; magnificent; splendid; (2) giving every courtesy; extremely thoughtful; hospitable; (3) suitable for or characteristic of a king or queen; august; stately; noble Synonyms: imperial, magnanimous, majestic, princely, regal, superb Quotes:• There’s nothing so kingly as kindness, and nothing so royal as truth. — Alice Cary (1820–1871) American poet• In the … Read more