Good Self-image

Definitions: (1) a positive concept of oneself; (2) a realistic understanding of one’s capacity Observation: It is ironic how often those with a poor self-image usually have a sensitive perception of the values of others: “I’m no good but look at how wonderful so-and-so is.”     Subjective reality is folded in such a way that the person with a poor self-image … Read more


Definitions: (1) filled with love for God; pious; devout; religious; (2) aspiring to conform to God’s design or will; (3) metta <loving-kindness>; (4) theophile <one who loves God and is love by God>; theosophy <the knowledge that God may be achieved through spiritual ecstasy, direct intuition, or special individual relations> Quotes:• Why indeed must “God” … Read more

Goal Oriented

Definitions: (1) focused on the end or final purpose; (2) characterizes one who intends to accomplish everything he or she sets out to do Music: “Winter Wonderland” {1934}Later on, we’ll conspire,As we dream by the fireTo face unafraid,The plans that we’ve made,Walking in a winter wonderland.— Felix Bernard (1897-1944) American Composer— Richard Bernhard Smith (1901-1935) … Read more


Definitions: (1) radiating health and high spirits; (2) warmly favorable or complimentary <glowing praise>; (3) animated excitement or passion; ardent zeal; elated; (4) exhibiting a rich and warm feeling; lambent <soft radiance> Derivation: Old English, “bright,” “to glitter” Quotes:• Don’t forget to tell yourself positive things daily! You must love yourself internally to glow externally. — Hannah Marcina Bronfman (1987-) American angel investor• As … Read more


Definition: merry; gaiety; joyous; full of delight Quotes:• Applause is the most powerful thing… people talk about the sound of it, but what I hear is glee. — Carol Christine Hilaria Pounder (1952-) Guyanese-born American actress• You gleefully say, “I just thought of something!”, when in fact your brain performed an enormous amount of work before … Read more


Definition: fascinating attraction; alluring charm; personally enchanting Compatible Quality: healthy Quote:• God’s will for your life is God’s will for today, and it doesn’t get any more glamorous than that. — Gloria Gaither (1942-) American singer-songwriter• Glamour is an imaginative process that creates a specific emotional response: a sharp mixture of projection, longing, admiration, and aspiration. It … Read more


Definitions: (1) affected with pleasure or joy; happy; cheerful; (2) wearing a gay appearance; showy; bright; (3) pleasing; exhilarating; (4) very willing <glad to help> Synonyms: delighted, gladsome, gratified, fain <with pleasure> Quote: It made me gladsome to be getting some education, it being like a big window opening. — Mary Gladys Webb (1881–1927) English novelist & poet Symbol: smooth like the gleam of polished gold (German) … Read more


Definitions: (1) to transfer one’s own possession (material, mental, emotional, or spiritual) freely to another without asking anything in return; (2) devoted to a cause, occupation, pursuit, or goal; (3) reciprocal <given, felt, or done in return> Balancing Quality: Appreciation Too Far: You can sacrifice yourself under necessary situations, but sacrifice can be negative. If … Read more


Definitions: (1) endowed by nature with a great talent, ability, or faculty; (2) exceptionally intelligent     See also: Genius Comments: Remember to be thankful for your gifts:• Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art. — Stanislaw Jerzy Lec [born Baron Stanisław Jerzy de Tusch-Letz] (1909–1966) Polish aphorist & poet.• Your talent is God’s gift to … Read more


Definitions: (1) sincere and frank; honest and forthright; (2) real; true; authentic; not artificial; not counterfeit <a genuine manuscript> Synonyms: (fair) dinkum <true gold>, natural, unadulterated, unaffected, veritable Quotes:• The essence of Hinduism is the same essence of all true religions: Bhakti or pure love for God and genuine compassion for all beings. — Radhanath Swami [born Richard Slavin] (1950-) … Read more