

Definitions: (1) appropriate or pleasing in nature or character; agreeable; (2) suited or adapted in tastes or temperament; compatible; kindred; (3) harmoniously associated; (4) existing together sociably; genial Derivation: Latin, “with genius” Quote: What could an unsanctified man do in Heaven? No man can possibly be happy in a place where he is not in his element and where all around him is not … Read more


Definitions: (1) acting in accordance or harmony with prevailing standards, attitudes, and practices <of society or a group>; complying; (2) to be or become similar in form, nature, or character Balancing Qualities: Confidence, Individuality Compatible Quality: a team player Quotes:• Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it. — Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880) French novelist• The young always have … Read more


Definitions: (1) having full belief; fully assured; certain; (2) relying on oneself; bold Synonyms:  in the groove, positive, sanguine, sure, undiscouraged  Balancing Qualities: Changeable, Flexible Compatible Qualities: knowledgeable, understanding Too Far: arrogant, brash, cocky, smart alecky Quotes:• As is our confidence, so is our capacity. — William Hazlitt (1778-1830) English writer• Confidence ignores “No Trespassing” signs. It is as if he doesn’t see them. He … Read more


Definitions: (1) brief and exact; focused and to the point; comprehensive; (2) giving precisely what is needed Synonyms: condensed, pithy, succinct, snappy Poetry:The light of a candleIs transferred to another candleSpring twilight— Yosa Buson (1716–1784) Japanese Haiku master & painter Quote: God has stated in clear and concise language how He created the universe and we ought not to … Read more


Definitions: (1) overcoming distrust or hostility with friendly action, compromise, and communication; (2) the ability to sooth anger; placate; (3) making peace between persons at variance; reconciling; pacific Derivation: Latin, “to assemble, unite, or win over” Synonyms: conciliate, engaging Quote: What is the time for singing, what the time for play – and in whose presence? When to jest or tease … Read more


Definitions: (1) attentive to or involved in some matter; (2) in a state of caring interest; <a concerned citizen> Too Far: reactionary, worried Reflection: God is concerned with everything; yet he will never interfere with anything. Quotes:• It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one’s life and find at the end that one has no … Read more


Definitions: (1) able to point to a common objective; focused; (2) able to direct one’s thoughts or efforts; capable of fixing one’s attention on one idea; (3) able to put ideas together in new ways Synonym: laconic <able to express an idea in a few words> Quote: Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s … Read more


Definitions: (1) combining the qualities of two (or more) different matters or ideas; (2) something lying between the extremes; (3) adjusting or settling a difference by mutual agreement, often with concessions on both sides Derivation: Latin, “with promise” Quote: A multicultural society does not reject the culture of the other but is prepared to listen, to see, to dialogue and, in the … Read more


Definitions: (1) having an extensive intellectual range with understanding; (2) able to perceive the relationships of a group of facts or ideas; enjoying to a large mental extent; (3) able to grasp the nature, significance, scope, or implication of ideas; covering thoughts broadly; (4) Docity <able to size up a situation quickly>; compendious <presenting the essential fact> Derivation: Latin, “to … Read more


Definition: (1) freedom from agitation as a result of self-discipline; serene; tranquil; unflappable; (2) the elements which constitute or make up a whole Synonyms: calm, cool, quiet, sedate Quotes:• When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity. — John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917–1963) 35th President of … Read more