Divine Definitions: (1) Available for service; (2) Rendering assistance; mediating; (3) Making the way clearer; guiding; (4) Aiding in the growth of an individual; fostering; (5) Supportive toward the Divinely Objective; sustaining; cooperative; (6) Improving all conditions; ministering; (7) Provident; (8) Elevating the mind to beneficial ideas and ideals Comment: We can moderate our attitudes … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) God is the source of authenticity; genuine; (2) In accord with reality; (3) The ideal of fundamental veracity; (4) Imparting true meaning; forthright; (5) Reliably certain; accurate; (6) Dependably exact; precise; (7) Sincere; upright; (8) Reflecting the essential character of the teacher; (9) Definitively logical; honest Saying: The truth shall set you … Read more


Divine definitions: (1) The breath of life; alive; (2) Super-consciousness; high-minded; (3) The animating principle; inspiration; (4) The source of ideals and values; qualitative reality; (5) The invisible higher vibrational reality; supernatural; (6) The supreme moral and ethical standard; (7) The spiritualizing influence; (8) The Father of the soul <The Mother of the soul is … Read more


Definitions: (1) tending to face facts; concerned with or based on what is actual or practical rather than visionary; (2) existential Idioms:• The real deal.• The real McCoy. Quotes:• Just because something is a metaphor doesn’t mean it can’t be real. — Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) Reaper Man {1991}• Reality is that which, when you stop … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) In existence; (2) Existential; (3) The objective fact; (4) Indisputably actual Comment: Are there any confirming means of identifying the evidence of God’s reality? All such proofs are from personal experience. The first is the experience of the intellectual capacity for knowing God. The discovery, and self-verification of this intellectual idea, can … Read more


Divine Definitions: (1) Divine solicitude and direction; (2) The guiding force; fostering; (3) Having and showing foresight; understanding; (4) The preparer of nurturance; (5) The provider of fundamental needs <a planet to stand on, a body to inhabit, a spirit to guide us, a mind to understand with, choices to learn from, and a personality … Read more


Definitions: (1) complete in all respects; without defect or omission; faultless; (2) thorough excellence in skill or quality; expert; proficient; (3) completely correct or accurate; exact; precise; (4) without reserve or qualification; pure; impeccable; (5) totally effective; meticulous; (6) a fine physical specimen; sound; flawless; (7) appreciative of the character or nature of someone or … Read more


Definitions: (1) showing keenness of insight, sympathetic understanding or intuition; discerning; (2) a quick capacity for comprehending; observant Too Far: nosy Quotes:• To be is either to be perceived or to perceive. — Bishop George Berkeley (1685-1753) Anglo-Irish philosopher• If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is: infinite. — William … Read more


Definitions: (1) characterizes one who promotes development by providing nourishment, support, and encouragement during the stages of growth; (2) raising; training; educating; (3) furthering the development of a person, project, idea, or ideal; fostering Quotes:• Our souls cannot be forced to grow, but like flowers, our spiritual selves can be nurtured until they blossom and … Read more


Definitions: (1) keeping within reasonable bounds; temperate; sober; steady; avoiding excesses and extremes; (2) mild; calm; gentle; nonviolent; (3) to lessen the intensity or severity Too Far: Being austere for too long. Sayings:• Meden agan (Greek); Ne quid nimis (Latin): “Nothing in excess”• Be moderate in prosperity, prudent in adversity. — Periander (~635-585 BC) Ruler … Read more