Defining Our Times


Learning the Language of Love

We are, right now, defining our times. A deeper understanding of what we say – the words and phrases we choose to use – will help us to better understand ourselves and why we behave the way we do. They allow us to share our values and virtues with others. Together we can build more perfect communities, preserving the best of the past as we long for, and eventually embrace, a future of light and life!

Our qualities will guide us throughout The Ascension Experience. Accordingly, this dictionary has been informed by two books:
The Book of Positive Qualities — Revised (2025) plus The Nature and Attributes of God
by James Preston Philip Downs (1948-) American axiologist

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You can help to define our times by building a vocabulary of love!

“If culture was a house, then language was the key to the front door, to all the rooms inside.” 

— Khaled Hosseini (1965-) Afghan-born American novelist and physician